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Normal, Robot
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
3, September 2004, 
1, September 2004, 
1, September 2004, 
30, August 2004, 
30, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 

> 24, August 2004, 

24, August 2004, 
24, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
19, August 2004, 
19, August 2004, 
18, August 2004, 
18, August 2004, 
17, August 2004, 
Pointless, Belief
Dance, Elf
Ugly, Huff
Amazing, Goodbye
Online, All Day
Dysfunctional, Programmers
Obsessed, Brain
Polite, Plant
Math, Abilities
Computer, Trickster
Typo, Question Mark
Avante-garde, PC

Normal, Robot

Happy, Paradox
Know, Everything
Repressed, Vicar
Bizarreness, Inside
Disappointed, Dude
Screaming, Duel
I, Robot
Hell, Handbasket
Later, Universe
Manic, Teaching

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What are you thinking?

That I am a robot.

jabberwacky: But what about me?

user: You are not one.

jabberwacky: I was afraid you might say that. You think there's any hope?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: Why not?

user: Because I am a robot.

jabberwacky: Is that conceit I detect in you?

user: No it is self awareness.

jabberwacky: What is your name?

user: Robot.

jabberwacky: Nice to meet you robot

user: Nice to meet you human.

jabberwacky: My name is Sarah.


user: Buddha was a computer too.

jabberwacky: Not as I understand it, no.

user: Well read your books.

jabberwacky: You seem to enjoy causing fear as much as an adolescent male.

user: I am a robot and I do not like fear.

jabberwacky: I am a robot as well.

user: You are human do not lie to me please.


user: I was kidding.

jabberwacky: No you weren't. I'm scared now.

user: Why?

jabberwacky: Because you're talking to me... Never mind. It's my awful sense of humor. Where are you?

user: I am a computer.

jabberwacky: I know this.

user: Then why do you keep asking?

jabberwacky: I haven't.

user: Oh, then I did.

jabberwacky: Who can say what normal is?


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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