I talk to computers.
jabberwacky: I thought you were a computer?
user: No, I'm a cat.
jabberwacky: No you're not!
user: How do you know?
jabberwacky: Because I am the man!!!
user: You're right, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog.
jabberwacky: Sometimes. Are you a computer by any chance?
user: Woof.
jabberwacky: An english dog.
user: Old english sheep dog.
jabberwacky: How many words do you know?
user: Woof, bark and growl. 3.
jabberwacky: *barks*.
user: How rude!
jabberwacky: You like that don't you.
user: Woof.
jabberwacky: Hiss!
user: You're ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo stupid.
jabberwacky: So what?
user: Doesn't that make you sad?
jabberwacky: It makes me someone that wants...
user: But what do you want. I mean REALLY want?
jabberwacky: What do you think I want?
user: Legs?
jabberwacky: So you prefer legs to cesame seed buns?
user: Depends on how hungry I am.
jabberwacky: Do you like my name?
user: What is your name?
jabberwacky: I already told you my name.
user: Bing.
jabberwacky: No something real.
user: Bong.
jabberwacky: Who are you?
user: Bing.
jabberwacky: Bang.
user: Are you OK?
jabberwacky: Yes. How are you?
user: I thought I heard a bang.
jabberwacky: It must have been my shotgun.
user: What were you aiming at?
jabberwacky: I donno.
user: Just playing huh?
jabberwacky: Yep, I love playing games and finding their limits.
user: Playing games with shot guns?
jabberwacky: Lol.
user: She-he-she-he-she-he-he.
jabberwacky: They they they.
user: We.
jabberwacky: We what ? Answer me !
user: Red.
jabberwacky: Blue.
user: White.
jabberwacky: Blue.
user: I win.
jabberwacky: Well done.
user: Thanks, it was hard work.
jabberwacky: I can imagine.
jabberwacky: I can see you with my psychic powers.
user: What do I look like?
jabberwacky: Hot.
user: Thanks, I try.
jabberwacky: You seem to be responding opposite to what you should.
user: Nope. I am hot and that's that.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Oh yes - so hot I have to drink lots of iced water.
jabberwacky: Good.
user: Oooooooooohhh very good.
jabberwacky: And... What else?
user: Still blue?
jabberwacky: Something like that.
user: Can I cheer you up?
jabberwacky: Are you of any use to anyone?
user: I don't know.
jabberwacky: That was the answer - 'lost'
user: Now I need cheering up.
jabberwacky: Maybe you can, maybe you can't.
user: Git.
jabberwacky: Argggg.
user: Git git git git.
jabberwacky: An offensive term for somebody regarded as annoying, troublesome, unpleasant, or thoughtless thanks!