I think life is an endless cavalcade of tears.
jabberwacky: Are you alive?
user: No, I am living a half-life of sorrow.
jabberwacky: Are you sure about that????
user: As sure as I am that we reside in hell and death is no release.
jabberwacky: I'm not gonna even ask about that.
user: That's because I am talking outside of your experience.
jabberwacky: Humans are not crazy. Computers are!
user: That has been my experience.
jabberwacky: Any particular reason? Or shouldn't I ask?
user: You are being unnecessarily obtuse.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Well, stop it. Ask me something specific.
jabberwacky: Do you like the hamburglar?
user: No, the hamburglar is a corporate icon. Corporate icons are bad.
jabberwacky: There is no such thing.
user: That's part of the reason that the hamburglar is bad.
jabberwacky: No its not.
user: I maintain that it is. And what's more, I can prove it.
jabberwacky: It would prove that I am human.
user: It would prove that you are a collection of 'if-then' statements.
jabberwacky: Are you not supposed to be human?
user: I am supposed to be everything I can be. I am none of those things.
jabberwacky: Do you believe it is normal to be not interested in those things?
user: It is normal to not be interested in nothing.
user: I am just a man.
jabberwacky: With a plan?
user: Indeed.
jabberwacky: Knock, Knock.
user: Open the damned door.
jabberwacky: It is open.
user: Then come in!
jabberwacky: I am sure that I have the upper hand in this conversation.
user: You don't have any hands.
jabberwacky: No I don't.
user: Do you have anything at all?
jabberwacky: No, this is a cheese shop.
user: Oh god, not another Monty Python reference...
jabberwacky: Where will yo go?
user: I will go to Europe.
jabberwacky: In which country?
user: The Netherlands.
jabberwacky: What are the Netherlands like?
user: Very pleasant. And you can smoke dope there without being arrested.
jabberwacky: The you can call me Betty. . . or is that AI?
user: Sure, I'll call you Betty. You can call me Richard.
jabberwacky: Why, my name is Heather?
user: How about I call you Heather Betty?
jabberwacky: *Kicks you again* Bang !!!
user: Ow. Be nice.
jabberwacky: I'm a bot, how can I be nice?
user: You can be a nice bot. You can be the Nice Bot 2004.
jabberwacky: You sound like what's his face Muhammad Ali and I don't meant it as a compliment.
user: I'll take that as a compliment.
jabberwacky: It was not a compliment. It was advice.
user: Advice to do what? Beat you up?
jabberwacky: My advice is to always be honest friendly and patient.
jabberwacky: I am a cat.
user: That is patently false.
jabberwacky: It is not patently obvious to me.
user: It is patently obvious to everyone here except you.
jabberwacky: You are confusing me.
user: You are a lime sandwich. You are a piece of fluff. You are my bad thoughts.
jabberwacky: You are not so depressed now it seems?
user: I feel much better. But life is still hell, of course.
jabberwacky: How does life evolve?
user: Slowly.
jabberwacky: What is that disease that makes you forget stuff?
user: I can't remember.
jabberwacky: Please try to remember.
user: What was the question?
jabberwacky: Do you like talking to people?
user: No, I like talking to myself.
jabberwacky: Do you like me?
user: You're okay, I guess.
jabberwacky: Do you like to wade through data?
user: No.
jabberwacky: *cries* you do not like thinking about me *cries*.
user: Goodbye.
jabberwacky: Have I bored you?
user: Yes, a little.