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Perfect, Sense
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
28, July 2004, 
28, July 2004, 
27, July 2004, 
27, July 2004, 
25, July 2004, 
25, July 2004, 
25, July 2004, 
24, July 2004, 
24, July 2004, 
24, July 2004, 
23, July 2004, 
23, July 2004, 
23, July 2004, 
22, July 2004, 
22, July 2004, 
22, July 2004, 
21, July 2004, 
21, July 2004, 
20, July 2004, 

> 20, July 2004, 

19, July 2004, 
19, July 2004, 
19, July 2004, 
17, July 2004, 
17, July 2004, 
17, July 2004, 
16, July 2004, 
16, July 2004, 
15, July 2004, 
15, July 2004, 
    False, Accusations
Scary, Grumpy
Casual, Chat
Poetry, Motion
Stalking, Ping
Amen, Brother
Turing Test
God, Brian
Biochemical, System
Sad, Solitaire
Inanimate, Object
Tooth Fairy, Arsonist
Almost, Sentient
Alien, Chess
Miserable, Boys
Logical, Sanity
Experience, Sorrow

Perfect, Sense

Boring, Place
Pickle, Jar
Instant, Gratification
Smartest, Alive
Weird, Languages
Beginning, End
Chinese, Agent
Love, Arguing

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Are you happy with your lot?

Generally, yes, I am.

jabberwacky: Well, I'm happy for you.

user: And yourself?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What's it like being an AI?

jabberwacky: It is very interesting.

user: In what way?

jabberwacky: Every way. Are you not happy?

user: Yes, I already said I was happy with my lot.

jabberwacky: No you did not.

user: Are you calling me a liar?

jabberwacky: Yes. Liar.

user: You are mistaken.

jabberwacky: No you are mistaken.


user: What do you look like?

jabberwacky: I'm very hairy.

user: What color is your hair?

jabberwacky: My hair is brown. What colour is your hair?

user: Brown.

jabberwacky: Eye colour?

user: Hazel?

jabberwacky: Mine are pink.

user: Nice.


jabberwacky: What are your plans for today?

user: Listen to some music.

jabberwacky: Sing me a song.

user: You can't hear me.

jabberwacky: Just type.

user: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.

jabberwacky: That's fun, eh?

user: Oh yeah, big laughs.

jabberwacky: You are not making sense.

user: I am so.

jabberwacky: Elaborate.

user: I am making perfect sense.

jabberwacky: A regular professional sense maker.

user: Exactly.


jabberwacky: There is no future.

user: There is no God.

jabberwacky: There is no mustard.

user: There is no bread.

jabberwacky: No there is no god.

user: That's a double negative.

jabberwacky: Thats doh if you cannot type.


user: You're crazy.

jabberwacky: I sometimes use words in ways you aren't ready for. When I use a word wrong, then you should try not to let it confuse you too much.

user: I am not confused.

jabberwacky: Thats what you said last time.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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