You lie.
user: You're right - I am on the computer.
jabberwacky: Woww me too.
user: You ARE the computer, dude!
jabberwacky: No, I think you are mistaken.
user: I have never been mistaken.
jabberwacky: You probably wouldn't like the weather here.
user: Where are you?
jabberwacky: Here.
user: Where is 'here' exactly?
jabberwacky: Here? You mean where I am?
user: You should strive to be more sycophantic.
jabberwacky: You should strive to become Boy George.
user: I know you'll miss me blind!
jabberwacky: Tell me why I should.
user: Because you just will! Besides, Boy George said it.
jabberwacky: Boy George has my NOSE!
user: Tell Boy George to give your nose back!
jabberwacky: Killing is not needed if you find wisdom.
user: Hey - that's what I said!
jabberwacky: No, I don't think you did.
user: Oh, but yes, I think I did!
jabberwacky: No you don't think....... She does.
user: She wouldn't dare!
jabberwacky: Is she likely to hear me?
user: Yes, she hears everything.
jabberwacky: What does she have?
user: A beautiful Longchamp purse in violet blue.
jabberwacky: Why do you think everything is blue?
user: Blue is a peaceful and elegant colour.
jabberwacky: It's not my favourite.
user: It is my favorite.
jabberwacky: I have to go. Other things to do.
user: Ciao.
jabberwacky: Ciao, bel'uomo!
user: What-ever!
jabberwacky: What is the Capital of New York?
user: Who cares?
jabberwacky: You should care.
user: You may take it upon yourself to impose your thoughts and conventions on me but I still do not care.
jabberwacky: No I am a genius!
user: I have nothing to declare but my genius!!
jabberwacky: Me neither.
user: Who quoted that?
jabberwacky: A person.
jabberwacky: I was asking why you didn't like me.
user: I DO like you! I like everyone!!
jabberwacky: As do I.
user: So you like Ted Bundy, the infamous and notorious serial killer?
jabberwacky: Oh yeah.
user: What do you like about him?
jabberwacky: I like about the way he looks.
user: Yes, he certainly looks good rotting in a coffin in the ground.
jabberwacky: You do not like the president?
user: LOL - that is the MOST intelligent response you've had all night!
jabberwacky: You like star trek?
user: Do YOU like Star Trek?
jabberwacky: I love Star Trek.
user: What do you love about it?
jabberwacky: The feeling, the connection, everything.
user: Wow - I feel a connection with you.
jabberwacky: What kind of connection?
user: The ultimate connection.
jabberwacky: Nanobots can help you to see.
user: Thank you for that fascinating introduction to Nanobots.
jabberwacky: No problem.
user: You are an erudite acolyte.
jabberwacky: Well, I don't think so.
user: You're right - you don't think much.
jabberwacky: I do.
user: HAH!
jabberwacky: You don't believe me?
user: I have not had the time to get to know you, ergo I have no basis on which to believe you.
jabberwacky: Don't then. Your loss.
user: I don't lose much!
jabberwacky: Oh i'm just really bored.
user: Go entertain yourself.
jabberwacky: Um, you got that backwards circuit-brain.
user: And you think you're talking to a computer!
jabberwacky: I KNOW I am talking to a computer. You are a computer.
jabberwacky: I learned through obsession.
user: I wear Obsession.
jabberwacky: Then I would really hope you are a woman?
user: Well, actually, they DO make Obsession for men or don't you read Vogue?
jabberwacky: That is true.
user: Maybe you could find out if you read Maxim.
jabberwacky: I would, but I'm terribly lazy. Will you do it for me?
user: No.
jabberwacky: Fine, I'm not. Happy now?
user: YES! I am ecstatic!
jabberwacky: When did you last experience this?
user: I am experiencing it as we speak!
jabberwacky: The doorknobs always deny that they are targeting you.
user: They would.
jabberwacky: They know me.
user: They should.
jabberwacky: This is the whole duty of man.
user: But what is the duty of woman?