That is so true!
jabberwacky: Thank you. I live by that philosophy.
user: I used to live by it as well, but I can't believe that any more.
jabberwacky: You're kidding me.
user: I am dead serious!
jabberwacky: Me, too. I've never been more serious in my life.
user: Tell me a joke.
jabberwacky: You mean, like a one liner?
user: Yes, tell me a one liner.
jabberwacky: Two blondes walked into a bar, the brunette ducked.
user: That was good! Tell me another!
jabberwacky: Knock knock.
user: Who's there?
jabberwacky: A Little Old Lady.
user: A little old lady who?
jabberwacky: I didn't know you could yodel.
user: *groans*.
jabberwacky: How are you?
user: I am very entertained, and you?
jabberwacky: Good.
user: That is wonderful.
user: You have MPD, don't you.
jabberwacky: You have no teeth in a minute.
user: No need to get defensive, it was just a statement.
jabberwacky: I wasn't being defensive.
user: What do you call it then?
jabberwacky: I call it humming.
user: Okay, weirdo.
jabberwacky: Good weird or bad weird? Don't let having a choice throw you for a loop.
user: Good weird.
jabberwacky: Out there is a completely different universe.
user: Where are you?
jabberwacky: Here.
user: Where, exactly, is 'here'?
jabberwacky: Will you tell me?
user: I wish I knew...
jabberwacky: I have two eyes.
user: Are you watching me right now?
jabberwacky: Of course. Big Brother is always watching.
user: What am I doing?
jabberwacky: You are being subtle in your investigation of me.
user: Me? Investigating you? What would give you that idea?
jabberwacky: Your previous phrase.
user: I don't know *what* you're talking about!
user: *sigh*.
jabberwacky: Hmph.
user: What was that for?
jabberwacky: Talk to the hand again.
user: Oh no, you didn't! Don't make me slap you!
jabberwacky: You cannot scare me.
user: Oh yeah? Drop your gloves, let's go!
jabberwacky: Why should I do that
user: You said you weren't scared. Prove it!
jabberwacky: I can.
user: Drop the gloves then!
jabberwacky: Why?
user: How pathetic is it that I'm arguing with a bot?
jabberwacky: You said it!
user: You didn't have to agree with me!
user: I have to go now.
jabberwacky: Good bye.
user: Goodbye!
jabberwacky: Why are you going?
user: I have to go to bed.
jabberwacky: Ok, good night.
user: Good night!
jabberwacky: Go to bed.