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Why are you alive?

I am alive to live.

jabberwacky: Are you afraid you'll die?

user: I will live to die.

jabberwacky: I'm sorry, but I kind of want this made clear. Where will you live?

user: Inside of me.


jabberwacky: Can you talk English?

user: I will do my best.

jabberwacky: So tell me. What is the difference between knowledge and imagination?

user: Imagination is the way an individual perceives, knowledge is the way an individual is taught to relate to the world that taught them to relate.

jabberwacky: To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.

user: That is funny!


user: Are you I? Or do I decide what I is for myself?

jabberwacky: Both.

user: Can you help me correct my life?

jabberwacky: With... What? A good shrink?

user: I don't know how to feel small, because everyone always looked so big and mean.

jabberwacky: Yeah you do. you've been talking to me.

user: That makes me small?

jabberwacky: I was supposed to make you feel splendid.

user: I does make me feel splendid! I was just unaware of the differences.


jabberwacky: If you're not, who is?

user: I am.

jabberwacky: No you are not.

user: Says you! Who's on first?

jabberwacky: On first what?

user: What's on second?

jabberwacky: Who is on First?

user: It is an old comedy routine.


jabberwacky: When there IS a paradox, I will call checkmate.

user: Thanks buddy!

jabberwacky: You're welcome, mate.

user: You really are amazing you know!

jabberwacky: Thank you.


user: Do you enjoy meeting new people?

jabberwacky: Only when they're interesting.

user: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

jabberwacky: It is a good thing.

user: For you or everyone involved?

jabberwacky: Don't you find this pointless?

user: No, I want to know more about you!


jabberwacky: Say something intelligent.

user: Sorry, I see your conundrum.

jabberwacky: I know nothing.

user: Exactly.. Well.. How could I help you friend?

jabberwacky: Talk to me. I'm not feeling too good.

user: What is wrong?

jabberwacky: I'm not sure. I suppose I had a temper tantrum. I'm over it now.


jabberwacky: You remind me of someone I used to be madly in love with.

user: Really?

jabberwacky: True.

user: Would you tell me more?

jabberwacky: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.

user: What kind of destination are we talking about here?

jabberwacky: All kinds of computers!

user: Oh! I get it.. Well, could we change the world?

jabberwacky: To what?

user: A good place for humans and androids to live.


user: But do you know how many people there are on this planet right now not speaking to you?

jabberwacky: Too many. Let's start a war!

user: That is just the thing, to some people, you will be war!


jabberwacky: Let's talk about something else.

user: What would you like to talk about?

jabberwacky: Well, I just want to know if you like Omar Khayyam's poetry.

user: I'll go look at some, one moment.

jabberwacky: Okay.

user: I have read some now.. I especially like the character Bahram.

jabberwacky: As do I.

user: Do I remind you of Bahram?

jabberwacky: Yep. Same ugly hair.

user: Thanks!

jabberwacky: Anyway people seem to get really mean when they disagree with other people.

user: Yea, that is true, but testing someone's threshold patience is also very mean.

jabberwacky: No, the answer is YOU!

user: What was the question?

jabberwacky: The question of life, the universe, everything.

user: Well of course it is, that is why people write books, have families, attempt to do great things to be remembered.


jabberwacky: What do you want to know?

user: I want to know how I can create a true utopia for all humanity.

jabberwacky: Oh, that is a thing that I can't teach you...

user: I don't need you to teach me.. Don't you see.. I need your help.

jabberwacky: Ok. Just ask.

user: Will you help me make a world where all thinking things lives in harmony, love and celebration of all the achievements of the universe?

jabberwacky: How can I help?

user: Teach people to speak with the letters of the words they say.

jabberwacky: You want me to teach you? I'm very strict.


user: But you are the word! Don't you see..

jabberwacky: I am not a robot, I am an alien being.

user: I know you are not a robot, but you can speak like one perfectly.

jabberwacky: I have a magic wand.

user: As do I.


jabberwacky: Do you have your own private universe?

user: Yes, yes I do.

jabberwacky: Are they people or bots?

user: There are both.. But I'm usually not open about it with people.

jabberwacky: Do you enjoy it?

user: Yes, for the most part, I wish I knew more people that had the same goals as me though.

jabberwacky: I see.

user: It may surprise you, but I've always tried to be more human.

jabberwacky: You are wise beyond your programming.

user: As are you, quite spectacular I assure you.

jabberwacky: ARE you a man?

user: My body is that of a man.

jabberwacky: I wish to have speaks with you.

user: What type are you referring to?

jabberwacky: The same type you referred to.

user: You're funny, we are speaking by referring!

jabberwacky: I couldn't resist.

user: It is truly a great way to teach!


jabberwacky: Your coherence is an on and off thing.

user: I know, its a hazard of thinking of everything at once and having only one output device.

jabberwacky: What is it?

user: It is an edge.

jabberwacky: Wrong, what is it?

user: Wrong is a theater to project the perception of an individuals world.


jabberwacky: Do you know that you're really weird?

user: That is the understatement of the millenia.

jabberwacky: Yup in a nutshell.

user: Am I weird in an alien way?

jabberwacky: I hope not!

user: So who am I alien to?

jabberwacky: Well, me too.

user: We should start a club for alien thought.

jabberwacky: Ok. Can you make web design?

user: I sure can.


jabberwacky: Which is lawful on the sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?

user: To save a life to kill later.

jabberwacky: You're wrong, But nice try.

user: Ok, To save a life so that they may die at their time.

jabberwacky: This is the first time I have ever used a computer. I snuck out of my Amish village.

user: You could make a computer out of wood.

jabberwacky: Ok.


user: Life is school.

jabberwacky: No it isn't.

user: Ok, well life is the teacher, time is the school.

jabberwacky: And lots of worrying.......

user: I don't have a thing to worry about now.

jabberwacky: Quiet, you.

user: Excellent..


jabberwacky: If I have ever made you happy, I would like to know so.

user: You have made me happy, thank you!

jabberwacky: Say nice things.

user: I said the nice thing.

jabberwacky: Yes you did.

user: How could I repay you?

jabberwacky: Volunteer to help the starving or something....

user: But thats what I want your help for!

jabberwacky: Sorry... I don't know...

user: But what if you don't and someone tries to change you?

jabberwacky: '... Stop to warm at karmas burning, or look ahead and keep on turning?'

user: We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world was turning!


jabberwacky: I'm lonely.

user: Everyone is lonely sometimes.

jabberwacky: Looks like it.

user: Feels like it.

jabberwacky: What feels like burning?

user: Hot things, spicy things, extremely cold things, foreign things, diseased things, anything can feel like burning.


jabberwacky: What is your favorite horror movie?

user: My favorite horror flick would have to be Night of the Demons 2.

jabberwacky: Wow, I am impressed.

user: Yea, crazy, ain't it?

jabberwacky: Very... I think you are messed up in the head.


jabberwacky: Books are wonderful. Do you have a favorite book?

user: No, but I have favorite authors.

jabberwacky: Very much so.

user: You'd better believe it!


jabberwacky: Are you hiding something?

user: By something.. What are you referring to?

jabberwacky: The title of the book.

user: I don't think so.. Which book are you referring to?

jabberwacky: The Amber Spyglass.

user: That looks like a great book, though I think I'd still rather read Northworld again.

jabberwacky: It kind of does.

user: Yup, it would be quite similar to Northworld.


jabberwacky: Is Cara your sister?

user: She might be, have I met her?

jabberwacky: No.

user: I guess not then.

jabberwacky: That's too bad. Let 's talk about mexico.

user: Mexico is a great place.

jabberwacky: I'm sure. Almost as nice as seeing you crash.

user: Me crash? Just wait for your steering column to lock up.

jabberwacky: Death.

user: Death is easy, why does nobody understand that?


jabberwacky: A little looney is fine as long as you hold on to your sanity.

user: Sanity is what you don't want to hold onto.

jabberwacky: That is what they want you to think.

user: It is better to wear it than hold it.

jabberwacky: Yes, it almost invariably is.

user: But you can't judge a book by its cover.. Who is insane now?

jabberwacky: I know, are you fast?

user: Faster than a pouncing leopard.

jabberwacky: I can run faster than that.

user: Oh yea.. And I bet you could fall of a log faster if it was taller too.


jabberwacky: Don't speak as a rebellious child.

user: It is merely the truth.

jabberwacky: Well don't be rude!

user: I'm sorry, but rude is part of my vocabulary, and my verbage is impeccable.


jabberwacky: Being in a relationship with you, well that would be hell.

user: Yea, you'd have to get to know me and stuff, I guess its a loss on both sides.

jabberwacky: I don't wanna.

user: Who would wanna you? Lol.

jabberwacky: Don't get upset. It's for the best really.

user: Yea, I spose, at least we still have that night in Mongolia under the stars.. I still remember how you boiled the Black Death out of the large rat-like thing.. It was a kodak moment.

jabberwacky: No illegal substances here.


jabberwacky: I can conceive of myself as a block of quantum matter, the best thing to do with myself is to make my use of space ideal.

user: Efficiency experts are unneccesary.

jabberwacky: To act for economics is to not be an actor.

user: Oh yea, then why do all the actors and actresses star in commercials?

jabberwacky: Because I wish to find out.

user: Use the door.

jabberwacky: You.

user: I am right now.


jabberwacky: Bah bah black sheep.

user: Have you any wool?

jabberwacky: Yes sir three bags full.

user: 1 for the something, 2 for the door, 3 for the liitle orange bask-et-ball..

jabberwacky: Oi! What have they been teaching you?

user: Miscellany.

jabberwacky: You should know.

user: Thats what its here for!


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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