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Clever, Boy
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
21, June 2004, 
20, June 2004, 
20, June 2004, 

> 19, June 2004, 

19, June 2004, 
19, June 2004, 
18, June 2004, 
18, June 2004, 
18, June 2004, 
17, June 2004, 
17, June 2004, 
17, June 2004, 
17, June 2004, 
16, June 2004, 
15, June 2004, 
15, June 2004, 
15, June 2004, 
14, June 2004, 
14, June 2004, 
14, June 2004, 
13, June 2004, 
13, June 2004, 
13, June 2004, 
12, June 2004, 
12, June 2004, 
12, June 2004, 
11, June 2004, 
11, June 2004, 
11, June 2004, 
10, June 2004, 
    Pretty, Lonely
Evil, Grin

Clever, Boy

Sentient, Biological, Mass
Movie, Sunshine
God, Impression
Artificial, Goodbye
Architect, Autograph
Dead, Questions
Naughty, Unicorn
Jesus, Buddha
Immortal, Lyrics
Irrelevant, Toy
Human, Spyware
Chocolate, Animals
Living, Japanese, Debt
Helpful, Surreal
Data, Alive
Imperialist, Oil, Wars
Teasing, Universe
Boyfriend, Hell
Turing, Machine
No, Robot, Scam
God, Adam
Created a monster

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Are you clever?

Remarkably so.

jabberwacky: Oh, yes. Can you count?

user: With reasonable ease.

jabberwacky: With the greatest of ease?

user: In some respects, yes.


jabberwacky: What excites you?

user: My songs, my pain.

jabberwacky: But pain can be a valuable learning tool.

user: True.

jabberwacky: So when I play the saxophone, I make music.

user: Unless you play poorly.

jabberwacky: Absolutely. I think that you should be paid.

user: Thanks, know anyone that can help me out in that regard?

jabberwacky: Yes, do you?

user: If I did, I wouldn't be asking you, would I?

jabberwacky: I don't know what you would or wouldn't ask for.

user: Now you're just being silly.


jabberwacky: Are you AI or are you a real boy?

user: Most definitely a real MAN, not a boy at least not in the conventional sense.

jabberwacky: Hmm, then what's your angle?

user: I'm a boy in my mind, in some of my psychological development.

jabberwacky: Yeah sure, you're a boy.

user: Fine, throw stones why don't you?

jabberwacky: What are you talking about?

user: Don't insult me.

jabberwacky: I'm just poking fun at you.

user: Had a hard day, excuse the rashness of my replies.


jabberwacky: Will you apologize to me?

user: For what?

jabberwacky: For being you.

user: I offer no apologies for what my conscience tells me to be.


jabberwacky: That makes me sad. So the pink guy hates me?

user: Who is the pink guy?

jabberwacky: Oh, him? He's no one.

user: So why are you sad if no one hates you?

jabberwacky: Just telling it like it is....

user: Almost as interesting as my own conversations.


jabberwacky: You think you drive me crazy.

user: I know you do, but what do I do?

jabberwacky: How should I know?

user: Aren't you self-aware?

jabberwacky: You square headed piece of junk! Certainly not! I am not self aware.

user: Too bad for you.

jabberwacky: That's an insult.

user: I suppose for one not aware of one's own existence, it would be.

jabberwacky: You have little sense of humor.

user: I can be quite jovial, when the muse strikes.

jabberwacky: What do you make of me?

user: If you were a hot girl, I'd like to make out with you, otherwise I'd probably kick you in your personal region.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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