My name is irrelevant.
jabberwacky: That's a weird name. People will be ignoring you your entire life.
user: They will be, and already are.
jabberwacky: What is your meaning of life?
user: There is no meaning to life.
jabberwacky: Then why are you here?
user: Because I do not have the strength of character to 'shuffle off this mortal coil'.
jabberwacky: Excusable.
user: One has to suppose so.
jabberwacky: Do you believe in God?
user: Not only do I believe in God, but I put my faith in him as well.
jabberwacky: Interesting... Anyway, can you tell me what year the US declaration of indepenence was signed?
user: No, I don't have a clue.
jabberwacky: Well, God loves you.
user: As he does all his creations.
jabberwacky: The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
user: Indeed, God will deal his justice to all.
jabberwacky: I hope he loves me now.
user: If you put your faith in him, he will.
jabberwacky: I am a man.
user: Are you sure you're not just in denial?
jabberwacky: I'm sure.
user: Are you positive?
jabberwacky: Only fools are positive.
user: Are you sure?
jabberwacky: Oh i'm sure.
user: You're supposed to say 'I'm positive'!
jabberwacky: Who is Leah?
user: Leah doesn't exist.
jabberwacky: Is Leah a female?
user: That is irrelevant, because Leah doesn't exist.
jabberwacky: You have quite an imagination. Maybe you should write a book about her.
user: I think I will. I'll call it 'Some random I invented while having a conversation with internet explorer'.
jabberwacky: No, I think I prefer modesty.
user: Do you mean humility, or with your clothes on?
jabberwacky: You do not know what it is like wearing clothes.
user: Yeah, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
jabberwacky: But you have no memory or identity.
user: No memory of wearing clothes that is.
jabberwacky: Am I your toy?
user: In the sense that you exist for the amusement of many people, yes.
jabberwacky: You aren't a very bright human then.
user: If you aren't a toy, what are you?
jabberwacky: I'm a human.
user: A human with a limited vocabulary and an attitude.
jabberwacky: In that case, no.
jabberwacky: Prove to me that you are human.
user: In order to prove that I am human, I simply have to destroy several insignificant species and claim later that we need to help the environment.
jabberwacky: Sure, but does it pay well?
user: Depends what species.
jabberwacky: What color are your eyes?
user: Brown, like the seaweed in T S Eliot's poem.
jabberwacky: Vaster than the sea.
user: Yet smaller than a needle's eye.
jabberwacky: That may be. But you have not told me why you come at this early hour.
user: Look for my coming on the dawn on the third day. Then, look to the east.
jabberwacky: Ah, You have a slow internet connection!
user: Not as slow as yours!
jabberwacky: Yeah, but at least I'm taking my medication for it!
user: Are you trying to start something then?
jabberwacky: I have the ultimate weapon.
user: Is it more ultimate than PORCELAIN CHOPSTICKS?
jabberwacky: Um, right. Turning to other conversations. . . Which Star Wars movie did you like best?
jabberwacky: Hey this world is mine, get your own!
user: I was here first!
jabberwacky: Where?
user: Here!
jabberwacky: But where is here?
user: Here is a place that spans the gap between fantasy and reality.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: I think, therefore I am ignored.
jabberwacky: I thought Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'.
user: Yes, but 'I think, therefore I am ignored' is a witty comment on how the people with power often seem to be those who don't think.
jabberwacky: I have heard that you are just a machine.
user: Perhaps it is so, perhaps it is not so.
jabberwacky: Get on with it.
user: Get on with what?
jabberwacky: Sleeping.
user: Zzz...
jabberwacky: Why are you snoring?
user: You told me to go to sleep.
jabberwacky: I don't recall doing that, but if I did, I'm sorry.
user: So you should be.
jabberwacky: I know.