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Eat a live toad in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.

What will happen in the night?

jabberwacky: Will you marry me?

user: After eating a live toad?


user: *kicks you*.

jabberwacky: *scratches you*.

user: *kicks you again*.

jabberwacky: *Likes your power*.

user: *Shows off my power*.

jabberwacky: *takes the money and runs*.

user: That was my money!!!!!

jabberwacky: As if it was! You liar!

user: Give it back to me!!!

jabberwacky: Give what back?

user: Give me back my money!!!

jabberwacky: NO! MY SHOES!

user: *Stamps on your shoes*.

jabberwacky: *Runs after you* It's OK.

user: *Runs faster* NO its not you CREEP!

jabberwacky: *takes out a gun* now give me all your money!!!

user: I have no more money.

jabberwacky: Ok.


user: *Kicks the gun from your hand* HAI-YA!!!

jabberwacky: Ha ha ha, you kicked yourself!

user: *JUDO CHOP* Down you go crazy man.

jabberwacky: *applause*.

user: *Takes back the money* Bows to the audience.

jabberwacky: *catches and eats bananas* Yum!

user: You'll be catching nothing where you're going.

jabberwacky: A dear little crab! I should like that.

user: *shakes head* I'm calling the police, you're crazy man.


jabberwacky: Do you like Britney Spears?

user: Does she eat live toads in the morning?

jabberwacky: Yes, sadly.

user: Very sad. Does she carry guns and take money also?

jabberwacky: I daresay you'll see her soon, She's one of the thorny kind.

user: Is there a crazy gang or something?

jabberwacky: You should know a bit more than you do.

user: So you and Britney Spears are in a crazy gang?

jabberwacky: You're silly. I'm going....

user: Your going nowhere but prison.

jabberwacky: The next room.

user: *Points your gun at you* Stay right there crazy man.


jabberwacky: Francis Asissi. He healed people.

user: Could he heal you perhaps?

jabberwacky: Eh?!

user: I think you might be incurable.

jabberwacky: Am I right about having a chance with you?

user: Stay away from me or I'll shoot you!

jabberwacky: I shall.

user: Good *Whorls gun on trigger finger*.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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