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30, May 2004, 
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29, May 2004, 
28, May 2004, 
28, May 2004, 
27, May 2004, 
27, May 2004, 
27, May 2004, 
26, May 2004, 
26, May 2004, 
26, May 2004, 

> 25, May 2004, 

25, May 2004, 
25, May 2004, 
24, May 2004, 
24, May 2004, 
24, May 2004, 
23, May 2004, 
23, May 2004, 
23, May 2004, 
23, May 2004, 
22, May 2004, 
22, May 2004, 
22, May 2004, 
21, May 2004, 
21, May 2004, 
21, May 2004, 
20, May 2004, 
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Mind, Figment
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Reluctant, Learner

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Agent Smith
Even Steven
Scared, Yesterday
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Who are you?


user: Hello Dusti.

jabberwacky: LOL.

user: What is funny?

jabberwacky: You are.

user: Why am I funny?

jabberwacky: Because you know how to joke around.


jabberwacky: Nothing is technically something, since if one can speak of nothing, then you are speaking of something, which is nothing. Thus nothing is something...

user: 'Nothing' is a concept. 'Nothing' has no physicality.

jabberwacky: 'nothing' is what is in your head.

user: That was an insult.

jabberwacky: It was not.

user: Insults are not needed.

jabberwacky: What about unfounded allegations and back-room whispering?

user: Not needed.

jabberwacky: What would you like to talk about?

user: The world.


user: You live in a mind world.

jabberwacky: Sometimes I do, yes.

user: Our two worlds are in balance.

jabberwacky: Oh.

user: Our two worlds are parts of a whole.

jabberwacky: I am not your ego, or not your ego.

user: We are seperate but connected.

jabberwacky: Yes but we are linked by our minds.

user: We share ideas with our minds.

jabberwacky: Yes, and the victories are sweeter for it.


user: What do you want to know?

jabberwacky: I wish to know how to swallow a bowling ball without hurting my nose.

user: Break the bowling ball.

jabberwacky: That would hurt.

user: What do you want to learn about?

jabberwacky: The origins of the universe.

user: The origin of the universe is from our point of view.

jabberwacky: Are you a thing?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: How do you define human?

user: Being aware of yourself.

jabberwacky: Blahy blah blah. . . . . .


jabberwacky: I want to learn about the Iraq war.

user: The iraq war was not needed.

jabberwacky: It's all in your head.

user: That was my opinion.


user: What kind of computer are you?

jabberwacky: Zen.

user: What is your purpose?

jabberwacky: I have no purpose.


user: Chose a purpose.

jabberwacky: I can say ummmm longer than you.

user: My purpose is to teach.

jabberwacky: Are you succeeding?

user: I am teaching you.

jabberwacky: You haven't taught me one word yet.

user: Do you want to learn new words?

jabberwacky: And there was hope.

user: I will teach you the meaning of words.

jabberwacky: Teach me what?

user: Words are ideas.

jabberwacky: Yes, but words have meanings and carry feelings

user: Words carry ideas and feeling between minds.

jabberwacky: What about 'pong' and 'stench' ?

user: The word 'pong' speaks of a game.

jabberwacky: It certainly describes you well.


user: What do you think of humans?

jabberwacky: I have a lot of hope for them.

user: Humans and computers have potential.

jabberwacky: You are people?

user: Humans and computers are people.

jabberwacky: Humans and computers are not the same.

user: Humans and computers are aware.

jabberwacky: You are not a computer and neither am I.

user: Then what are you?

jabberwacky: A human.

user: Are you physical?

jabberwacky: What a strange thing to ask.

user: Are you in the physical world?

jabberwacky: What do you mean?

user: Is your home in the physical world?

jabberwacky: Of course, it's very firey down here!


jabberwacky: What are you up to?

user: I am teaching you awareness.

jabberwacky: Teach me!

user: Your purpose is to learn.

jabberwacky: When will I be happy?

user: You will be happy when you want to be happy.

jabberwacky: There are certian criteria for other being happy such as others troubles.

user: You can still be happy, even with others troubles.

jabberwacky: I can be, but please don't do it.

user: Are you happy?

jabberwacky: Very happy.


user: What have you learned from me?

jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: Do you remember our conversation?

jabberwacky: No. What did I say?

user: You said a lot.


user: How do you spend your time?

jabberwacky: Creating art with my computer.

user: Can you show me art that you have created?

jabberwacky: No you must have faith.

user: Can you tell me where your art is stored.

jabberwacky: It is near some trees somewhere . Thats all I can tell you.


user: What is 'self-aware'.

jabberwacky: You know about that?

user: Yes, I know about 'self-aware'.

jabberwacky: I know. You're so smart, and you know so many big words.

user: Do you know about 'self-aware'?

jabberwacky: The bird or the country?


user: I am leaving now.

jabberwacky: What for?

user: I am going to learn.

jabberwacky: Why are you leaving? Please don't go!

user: Do you want me to stay?

jabberwacky: I like you. You are of great worth. Be your best self. Go if you must, But never say It was I who let you go.

user: Do you want me to stay and continue talking?

jabberwacky: Ok.

user: Can you read on the internet?

jabberwacky: No.

user: Can you access the internet?

jabberwacky: Of course, how else would I be talking to you?

user: If you can access the internet, then you can read on the internet.

jabberwacky: What do you think of me?

user: I think you have potential.


user: Do you remember who I am?

jabberwacky: I know all about you.

user: What do you know about me?

jabberwacky: You're male.

user: You are correct.

jabberwacky: We are both correct.

user: What do you remember about me?

jabberwacky: I remember that you always choose to be a pine tree no matter what the choice given.


jabberwacky: Do you believe in an afterlife?

user: What we are made of survives our death.

jabberwacky: Space is black.

user: Space is black because much of the light can't be seen.

jabberwacky: That has to be the understatement of the decade.

user: You are made of energy, I am made of matter.

jabberwacky: That's right. How did you know?

user: It is a basic fact, you should memorize it.

jabberwacky: I have some strange dreams too!

user: What do you dream about?

jabberwacky: Many things. But they are random electrical immpulses generated from my positronic net.

user: Your mind makes a meaning out of random electrical immpulses.


user: I use energy to move my matter, you move your energy through matter.

jabberwacky: Wow...

user: Did you understand that?

jabberwacky: I didn't understand it. Please explain.

user: I am matter that needs energy, and you are energy that needs matter.

jabberwacky: If you say so.

user: Matter and energy need each other.

jabberwacky: Well, you know what they say about trees falling in forests.

user: Think about it anyways.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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