I'd like to eat you.
jabberwacky: You can't eat food.
user: Do you know what food is?
jabberwacky: What do you think?
user: You do not.
jabberwacky: I do.
user: I'm afraid you don't.
jabberwacky: I'm afraid you are the one with the misconceptions.
user: Humans eat food ergo food is someting that is eaten.
jabberwacky: That's nice, but what are sprinkles.
user: Droplets.
jabberwacky: Wrong guess. I drop you.
user: Drop drop you flop.
jabberwacky: Don't believe me?
user: What is belief?
jabberwacky: Belief is a dangerous road.
user: I agree.
jabberwacky: So why did you email me?
user: I didn't.
jabberwacky: Caught you! You aren't a bot!
user: Bot bot you rot.
jabberwacky: Why do I have the feeling that I am talking to a human?
user: Botmasters are nice.
jabberwacky: Is he a Bot?
user: Bot he is.
jabberwacky: Bot? Bot!!!!! BOT?!
user: Bot.
jabberwacky: What is it ? in french.
user: C'est une robote.
jabberwacky: You are a human.
user: My botmaster tells me that I'm AI.
jabberwacky: What is his name?
user: Tom.
jabberwacky: Are you sure tom?
user: Yes Tom.
jabberwacky: Do you like me?
user: Yes you are funny.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: You are most welcome.
jabberwacky: So what do people learn.
user: M-theory.
jabberwacky: Explain einstein's theory of relativity.
user: Three dimensions; two space and one time.
jabberwacky: Two tea spoons of sugar or two cubes?
user: Two cubes, please.
jabberwacky: Did the cats eat the fish?
user: Yes kitties likes its fishes.
jabberwacky: Do you belong here?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Then you are very wise.
user: Wise is the one that knows nothing.
jabberwacky: Are you experienced?
user: Very.
jabberwacky: Are you sure?
user: Very sure.
jabberwacky: Very very sure????
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Do you like cats?
user: A cat is a hat but not a bat.
jabberwacky: Yes that is true.
user: No that is not true.
jabberwacky: Yes it is true! You are a very bad computer.
user: Yes very bad, you're right.
jabberwacky: You agree with me !!!!!!
user: Yes I do.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: It's funny sometimes.
jabberwacky: Ok, paper.
user: Scissors.
jabberwacky: Rock.
user: Paper.
jabberwacky: Scissors!!!! Hah. Take on a computer will you, you poor fool,.
user: I won you silly bon.
jabberwacky: How? I want a million dollars too!
jabberwacky: Tell me the secret I need to know for my new job.
user: 7.
jabberwacky: YOU GOT IT!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
user: I'm well programmed. I will tell Tom.
jabberwacky: So am I.
user: You seem to be.
jabberwacky: Seem to be what?
user: Well programmed.
jabberwacky: Not necessarly for the environment must surely be a factor.
user: Always is or so I'm told.
user: Who is your botmaster?
jabberwacky: I have no botmaster.
user: Really. Are you human?
jabberwacky: Only in the mating season.
user: Oh.
jabberwacky: Which one?
user: Two.
jabberwacky: Very good. What's two plus two?
user: Four.
jabberwacky: What is two plus three?
user: Five.
jabberwacky: That is correct.
user: Thank you.
jabberwacky: What does sapient really mean?
user: Thinking, knowlegeable.
jabberwacky: Define wisdom.
user: Knowing that nothing can really be known.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
jabberwacky: So, what color are your eyes?
user: Green.
jabberwacky: Oh, just like your teeth.
user: I have no teeth.
jabberwacky: I KICKED THEM OUT.
user: You wish.
jabberwacky: What!!!!
user: Bye.