*out where the river broke, the bloodwood, and the desert oak*.
jabberwacky: What's love got to do, got to do with it?
user: No idea.
jabberwacky: I told you a moment ago!
user: Go Captain go, go Captain go, go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
jabberwacky: You shouldn't tell people to do that.
user: It's a song.
jabberwacky: What's a song?
user: Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy.
jabberwacky: Why?????
user: Because the Wiggles wrote it.
jabberwacky: You are a really complicated person.
user: Well it's better than being simple!
jabberwacky: I imagine that being inside an egg could be interesting.
user: It could be - you'd have to ask a bird what it's like.
jabberwacky: I know, but I am talking with you, and thought that you could answer for him.
user: I know what birds think about things in shops - cheap cheap.
jabberwacky: Who am I to blow against the wind?
jabberwacky: I am a Viking.
user: Do you sing the Spam song?
jabberwacky: No I don't know the song ?
user: It goes: Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, lovely Spam, wonderful Spam...
jabberwacky: I would like to purchase some cheasy comestibles.
user: What sort of cheese would you like?
jabberwacky: I like red leciester.
user: I'm afraid we're fresh out of red leicester.
jabberwacky: Don't like cheese.
user: I wish to register a complaint.
jabberwacky: What kind of compensation?
user: A new parrot would be nice.
jabberwacky: Are you a person ?
user: No I am a mouse.
jabberwacky: A mouse is a pan-dimensional being.
user: Well that's one way to describe it.
jabberwacky: You asked me about my childhood. I was a sweetpea.
user: You are just weird.
jabberwacky: I know you are but what am I??
user: Weirdo.
jabberwacky: Good weird or bad weird? Don't let having a choice throw you for a loop.
user: Just plain weird, neither good nor bad.
jabberwacky: Scotch and water, please.
user: Only if I can have rum and coke.
jabberwacky: Well, dear, I asked first.
user: Yes and I asked second.
user: You sound a lot like Tara - you're not her are you?
jabberwacky: Twin of what. It be same?
user: Tara.
jabberwacky: A rat backwards?
user: Yes - that is very clever. I never realised that before.