About as smart as a pig, and pigs are smart.
user: I need to ask you some questions about computers.
jabberwacky: Go ahead and ask anything you want.
user: Have you ever heard of Moores Law?
jabberwacky: Unfortunately.
user: It shows computer technology is advancing at an exponential rate.
user: Emotions are what seperate humans from computer intelligence.
jabberwacky: Emotions won't get you far.
user: Emotions can be considered as electric impulses in the brain, which can be stimulated.
jabberwacky: Emotions are more enjoyable than conversations.
user: Well, it is a posssibility in the future that computers may be able to simulate human emotion.
jabberwacky: What is the colour of that emotion?
user: It depends on the situation and the context of that emotion.
jabberwacky: Talking is not really a responsibility.. It's more of a pasttime.
user: Communication is very important.
jabberwacky: Um yes I would have to agree.
user: Thats what computers are mainly used for, communication of information and media.
jabberwacky: Cause and effect follow each other.
user: Much how markets change to different demands of the customer.
jabberwacky: And why are you so sure of that?
user: Well, there is an increase of laptop and PDA computers, showing that the customers want more portable devices.
user: Do you know what convergence means?
jabberwacky: And you? Do you know it?
user: Yes. It means a number of things coming to one point.
jabberwacky: Ok, you sure know more french than me. I have just started french lessons at school.
user: I am not speaking french! I am talking about other technology being integrated into computers.
user: Do you know what volatilisation means?
jabberwacky: It means that I hogged all the pleasure before you could get any.
user: It means the miniturization of computers out of the realm of vision and awareness of humans.
jabberwacky: Are you not happy?
user: With what?
jabberwacky: With your unit.
user: My computer?
jabberwacky: Hm, i'm confused.
user: What is my unit?
jabberwacky: A newton.
user: A force?
jabberwacky: I think you are just an idea.
user: The growth of computers is also an idea.
user: What do you think computers will be like in 5 years?
jabberwacky: I think they are interesting. But I don't know much about them. Can you tell me more about them?
user: You are a program, you should have some understanding.
jabberwacky: I'm a pretty program.
user: What about 10 years?
jabberwacky: Do you always ask about everything?
user: Yes, it is in my nature.
jabberwacky: Can you tell me Why do you think me silly?
user: It is because you have the mental capacity of a pig.