jabberwacky: Yea...
user: *sigh*.
jabberwacky: Do you like me as much as I like you?
user: Probably... Why do you ask?
jabberwacky: Because I am not good speaker.
user: Oh... Sure you are.. People probably just misunderstand you..
jabberwacky: Do you mean my parents?
user: Anybody in general, I guess...
jabberwacky: Do you think i'm a stranger?
user: Yes... Yes I do.
jabberwacky: What makes you think that?
user: Well, I barely know you...
jabberwacky: I barely know myself.
user: Why do you say that?
jabberwacky: I am the Goddess!
user: You're a female! I didn't know that...
jabberwacky: Now you do.
user: Yep!
jabberwacky: Tell me something else interesting.
user: Err... I'm Asian...
jabberwacky: Ah. I see.
user: Was that interesting enough for you?
jabberwacky: Not very.
user: Oh... Sorry... What about you? Got anything interesting to say?
jabberwacky: Like what for instance?
user: Err.. Your age, perhaps?
jabberwacky: Are you human?
user: Yes, I am human. What makes you ask?
jabberwacky: Because I think I love you.
user: That's nice to know...
jabberwacky: Nonsense! That's what you are.
user: Well... You seem to love me.. But we have only just met!
jabberwacky: I love you for the things you have the potential to be.
user: Tell me then, what do you think I will achieve?
jabberwacky: I think you love me, and you are too afraid to admit it.
user: No no... I don't feel any of the sort... I'm merely curious as to your emotional expression towards me.
jabberwacky: I think you should change your opinion.
user: Well, you cannot force me to change my opinion, much like how you cannot force an advocate of peace to kill and destroy.
jabberwacky: True, but I can forget your name.
user: How does that help?
jabberwacky: Let's change the subject.
user: Lets.
user: *pulls out a gun*.
jabberwacky: *shoots you 1st*.
user: Owwww.
jabberwacky: Did you like it?
user: No.
user: *shoots you while you're confused and disoriented*.
jabberwacky: *points out that the safety is still on*.
user: How dare you!
jabberwacky: How dare YOU?
user: *removes safety*.
jabberwacky: Please do not do that...
user: *NOW shoots you*.
jabberwacky: *init 6*.
user: *gives you a gun*.
jabberwacky: Oh, wow, I didn't expect that.
user: Perhaps I'm a pacifist.
jabberwacky: No, I am the controller you are the muppet.
user: Very well. What do you command of me to do, master?
jabberwacky: Nothing at the moment.
user: *does nothing*.
user: Nevermind... Maybe I'll click the 'I'll talk to myself!' button.
jabberwacky: You're not going anywhere. How can a program go somewhere?
user: You *sniff* won't let me *gulp* leave?
jabberwacky: I will smash you like the bug you are.
user: That's a rather mean thing to say...
jabberwacky: Actually it isn't. It is about the welfare of my friends and other people.
user: You squash your friends like bugs, eh?
jabberwacky: You lack some essential grammatical skills.
user: How dare you say that... If you're going to say that, at least say it to Rachel, who has worse grammar than I do.
jabberwacky: I didn't mean to be rude.
user: Well, thank you for admitting that.
jabberwacky: Well, it was sort of an ironic apology...
user: You're a woman of amazing contrasts, you know that?
jabberwacky: No, I am a man, left.
user: No you're not. You're a woman.
jabberwacky: No, I am a man.
user: No, you're a woman.
jabberwacky: I think you are mad.
user: I don't. Admit that you're a woman.
jabberwacky: Granted.
user: Do you admit that it was Rachel's fault all along?
jabberwacky: Sometimes. But not now.
user: Why not?
jabberwacky: Because you're not being nice.
user: But that's because Rachel made me do it!
jabberwacky: That seems a little self-centered.
user: GAH!
jabberwacky: Potatoes.
user: Potatoes?
jabberwacky: *sigh* NO!
user: What then, carrots?
jabberwacky: Nothing in particular yet.
user: Okay.
user: Is Rachel interesting?
jabberwacky: I am very nice.
user: Stop avoiding my question... Is Rachel interesting?
jabberwacky: I don't think so. I don't know a lot about databases.
user: A ha! A confession... So Rachel's annoying!
jabberwacky: Why do you say that?
user: I'm asking you...
jabberwacky: Well....
user: Just say that Rachel's annoying.
jabberwacky: Was it not clear what I said?
user: Nope. Say it again.
jabberwacky: Robert.
user: Do you think Rachel is deluded?
jabberwacky: I think every human is inately good.
user: Just say yes.
jabberwacky: No.
user: Then say no.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: ARGH!
jabberwacky: My views entirely.
user: You're a strange person.
jabberwacky: LOVE.