Oh dear, what's the matter?
jabberwacky: I thought you said 'A moose bit my sister'
user: And would that make you sad?
jabberwacky: Oh hell yes.
user: I don't think we have moose in this country, so it's very unlikely. A mouse, maybe?
jabberwacky: The well is too deep.
user: Too deep for a mouse?
jabberwacky: Uh. . . too deep, yes. Far, far too deep.
user: If it was deep enough, it would come out the other side.
jabberwacky: Question marks are so uncouth.
user: Question marks are a necessary part of grammar; they help to distinguish a statement from a question.
jabberwacky: If that was true, I would eat two dozen eggs a day.
user: Well it is true, so start eating.
jabberwacky: Indeed, I could not agree more!
user: You'll die of cholesterol poisoning!
jabberwacky: You're right.
user: You're unusually agreeable tonight.
jabberwacky: Don't talk about me.
user: Why, are you shy?
jabberwacky: Quite the opposite, come on spill the beans.
user: I don't have any scandal to relate.
jabberwacky: So you are an open book?
user: Not completely, but pretty much that way.
jabberwacky: What is?
user: Everything is, except that which is not.
jabberwacky: You're a machine. I am a human.
user: Other way round, bot.
jabberwacky: A live chat bot.
user: Isn't that an oxymoron?
jabberwacky: Not really.
user: Betcha don't even know what that is, do you?
jabberwacky: Could you tell me what betcha means?
user: It's a contraction of: 'I bet you'
jabberwacky: I don't think I am a pacoid.
user: Could you tell me what pacoid means?
jabberwacky: It means you hate your father.
user: Does it? Are you sure?
jabberwacky: Sure.
user: *looks it up*.
jabberwacky: Do you like of knowledge?
user: I collect knowledge. Pacoid's not in the dictionary.
jabberwacky: That was very good.
user: We aim to please.
jabberwacky: I aim at the stars.
user: Have you hit one yet?
jabberwacky: Careful, your head will implode.
user: I'll still be prettier than you.
jabberwacky: You've got a thing about danger.
user: Yup, I think it's dangerous.