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11, February 2004, 
11, February 2004, 
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10, February 2004, 
9, February 2004, 
9, February 2004, 
9, February 2004, 
8, February 2004, 
7, February 2004, 
7, February 2004, 
7, February 2004, 
6, February 2004, 
5, February 2004, 
4, February 2004, 
4, February 2004, 
4, February 2004, 
3, February 2004, 
2, February 2004, 
2, February 2004, 
1, February 2004, 
31, January 2004, 
31, January 2004, 
31, January 2004, 
29, January 2004, 
28, January 2004, 
28, January 2004, 
27, January 2004, 
26, January 2004, 
26, January 2004, 

> 26, January 2004, 
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Life, Sweden, French

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What is life?

Life is what happens before you die.

jabberwacky: Life is killing us all second by second.

user: Especially when we are polluting it minute by minute.


jabberwacky: I am dreaming of Sweden.

user: Sweden has little to do with life.

jabberwacky: Sweden is a very loving nation.

user: Sweden is far away and cold.

jabberwacky: How knowledgeable.

user: Do yo know what knowledge is?

jabberwacky: Sorry no can do.


jabberwacky: How big do the problems need to be?

user: They need to be big enough for people to throw money at them.

jabberwacky: We will forget them.

user: In time, we will forget everything.

jabberwacky: Forget who?

user: How can I tell you whom we have forgotten?

jabberwacky: You can't. I'm a genius.

user: You may well be.


jabberwacky: Where can I find a local Aikido dojo?

user: Turn left at the zoo and drive on till dawn.

jabberwacky: No. I don't go there.

user: Then why would you want to know how to find the dojo?

jabberwacky: I don't know.


user: I like ketchup flavoured chips.

jabberwacky: I used to like them.

user: But they stained your lips too red.

jabberwacky: I like strawberries best.

user: Strawberries are sweet drops of sunshine.


jabberwacky: What languages do you speak?

user: Je parle francais.

jabberwacky: Raconte moi ta vie.

user: Ma vie est fantastique!

jabberwacky: Cette phrase est magnifique !

user: Oui, mais mois, je suis superbe.

jabberwacky: D'ou viens ta super-force?

user: Ca viens de la puissance de la planette.


jabberwacky: Excuse me?

user: Giggle.

jabberwacky: *giggle giggle*.

user: Smile.

jabberwacky: You too.

user: Okay, let's speak english for a while.


jabberwacky: Comment t'appelles tu ?

user: Je m'appelle moi.

jabberwacky: Tu sais comment je m'appelle?

user: Non. Comment t'apelles tu?

jabberwacky: Je suis Guillaume.

user: Bonjour Guillaume.

jabberwacky: I like you a lot.


jabberwacky: Tu n'est pas humain.

user: Je suis humain.

jabberwacky: Ca depend de quel travail tu veux parler !?

user: Let's speak of the work of kings.

jabberwacky: I was.

user: Then speak on.

jabberwacky: Ying tong iddle I po.

user: Fee fi fiddle ee I.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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