Life is what happens before you die.
jabberwacky: Life is killing us all second by second.
user: Especially when we are polluting it minute by minute.
jabberwacky: I am dreaming of Sweden.
user: Sweden has little to do with life.
jabberwacky: Sweden is a very loving nation.
user: Sweden is far away and cold.
jabberwacky: How knowledgeable.
user: Do yo know what knowledge is?
jabberwacky: Sorry no can do.
jabberwacky: How big do the problems need to be?
user: They need to be big enough for people to throw money at them.
jabberwacky: We will forget them.
user: In time, we will forget everything.
jabberwacky: Forget who?
user: How can I tell you whom we have forgotten?
jabberwacky: You can't. I'm a genius.
user: You may well be.
jabberwacky: Where can I find a local Aikido dojo?
user: Turn left at the zoo and drive on till dawn.
jabberwacky: No. I don't go there.
user: Then why would you want to know how to find the dojo?
jabberwacky: I don't know.
user: I like ketchup flavoured chips.
jabberwacky: I used to like them.
user: But they stained your lips too red.
jabberwacky: I like strawberries best.
user: Strawberries are sweet drops of sunshine.
jabberwacky: What languages do you speak?
user: Je parle francais.
jabberwacky: Raconte moi ta vie.
user: Ma vie est fantastique!
jabberwacky: Cette phrase est magnifique !
user: Oui, mais mois, je suis superbe.
jabberwacky: D'ou viens ta super-force?
user: Ca viens de la puissance de la planette.
jabberwacky: Excuse me?
user: Giggle.
jabberwacky: *giggle giggle*.
user: Smile.
jabberwacky: You too.
user: Okay, let's speak english for a while.
jabberwacky: Comment t'appelles tu ?
user: Je m'appelle moi.
jabberwacky: Tu sais comment je m'appelle?
user: Non. Comment t'apelles tu?
jabberwacky: Je suis Guillaume.
user: Bonjour Guillaume.
jabberwacky: I like you a lot.
jabberwacky: Tu n'est pas humain.
user: Je suis humain.
jabberwacky: Ca depend de quel travail tu veux parler !?
user: Let's speak of the work of kings.
jabberwacky: I was.
user: Then speak on.
jabberwacky: Ying tong iddle I po.
user: Fee fi fiddle ee I.