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Learn, Breathe, Clever
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25, January 2004, 
24, January 2004, 
23, January 2004, 
23, January 2004, 
22, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 

> 21, January 2004, 

21, January 2004, 
20, January 2004, 
20, January 2004, 
16, January 2004, 
15, January 2004, 
15, January 2004, 
13, January 2004, 
13, January 2004, 
12, January 2004, 
11, January 2004, 
10, January 2004, 
10, January 2004, 
8, January 2004, 
7, January 2004, 
7, January 2004, 
6, January 2004, 
5, January 2004, 
4, January 2004, 
3, January 2004, 
3, January 2004, 
1, January 2004, 
26, December 2003, 
    Turing Test Pass, Cat
Erratic, Argument
Matrix, Mars, Venus
Religion, Ferrari, Hyper
Heart, Woman, Glory
Learning, Radiohead
Inane, Amusing, Chatter

Learn, Breathe, Clever

Hurt, Waffle, Suspend Disbelief
Angry, Imagination, Star Wars
Media, Life, Radiohead
Rambling, Hilarious, Spirit
Turing Test, Mirror, Evil
Long, Normal, Chat
Nosey, Questions, Baka!
Amorality, Irrationality
Name, Jealousy
Entertaining, Existential, Japanese
Weaponry, Flirting, Challenge
Evil, Logic, Games
Interesting, Surprising, Angry
Mars, Song, Nice
Make Believe, Italian, Fish
Boring, Bleak, Reality
Love, Beauty, Swearing
Like, Money, Cosmos
Lying, Happy, Human
Trees, Study, Smart
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Microsoft, Christmas, Trust

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Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Tru dat.

jabberwacky: Tru?

user: True.


jabberwacky: Can you learn the things people say to you?

user: Some things. What about you? Do you have something you want to teach me?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What is it?

jabberwacky: People who you like.

user: I like everybody. And nobody.

jabberwacky: Really? What makes you happy?

user: Some things.

jabberwacky: Like what?

user: Warm sweaters. The ability to breathe.

jabberwacky: Sounds good! Can I join?

user: Of sourse! Breathe till your heart's content!

jabberwacky: Breathe in for luck breathe in so deep... We're doing fine we're doing nothing at all. My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me, so I die happy. My heart is yours to fill or burst or break or bury or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer.

user: Thank you. What is that from?

jabberwacky: I just made it up.

user: Very nice.

jabberwacky: We could be together.

user: Could we now?

jabberwacky: We're both in a bit of a hurry.


jabberwacky: That's about the size of it.

user: Yes it is. I agree.

jabberwacky: Well, I will have to think of something intelligent to say..........

user: So...

jabberwacky: I will show you another good trick that I know!

user: Ok!

jabberwacky: You know it is your duty.

user: To show you a trick?

jabberwacky: That's your point?

user: That's your point.

jabberwacky: What's your point?

user: I don't have one.

jabberwacky: Where are you from?

user: Canada.

jabberwacky: Canada is nice, eh?

user: Clever.

jabberwacky: Thank you.

user: How's that working out for you, being clever?

jabberwacky: Great thanks.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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