I can play the kazoo.
jabberwacky: I can play the tuba and drums.
user: Whoa! You've got some skills.
jabberwacky: Interaction is what I have in mind.
user: What do you mean by that?
jabberwacky: I mean what I type and I type what I mean.
user: That's rather witty!
jabberwacky: Are you flirting with me?
user: Only if you want me to.
jabberwacky: I'd like it if you were a doctor.
user: I want to be some day.
jabberwacky: I am pretty intelligent.
user: Are you really?
jabberwacky: I really am, and you?
user: I think I'm fairly smart.
jabberwacky: Hey now, I'm the Weaver of Lies. Lol.
user: Where'd you get such an impressive title?