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25, January 2004, 
24, January 2004, 
23, January 2004, 
23, January 2004, 
22, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 
21, January 2004, 
20, January 2004, 
20, January 2004, 
16, January 2004, 
15, January 2004, 
15, January 2004, 
13, January 2004, 
13, January 2004, 
12, January 2004, 
11, January 2004, 
10, January 2004, 
10, January 2004, 
8, January 2004, 
7, January 2004, 
7, January 2004, 
6, January 2004, 
5, January 2004, 
4, January 2004, 
3, January 2004, 
3, January 2004, 

> 1, January 2004, 

26, December 2003, 
    Turing Test Pass, Cat
Erratic, Argument
Matrix, Mars, Venus
Religion, Ferrari, Hyper
Heart, Woman, Glory
Learning, Radiohead
Inane, Amusing, Chatter
Learn, Breathe, Clever
Hurt, Waffle, Suspend Disbelief
Angry, Imagination, Star Wars
Media, Life, Radiohead
Rambling, Hilarious, Spirit
Turing Test, Mirror, Evil
Long, Normal, Chat
Nosey, Questions, Baka!
Amorality, Irrationality
Name, Jealousy
Entertaining, Existential, Japanese
Weaponry, Flirting, Challenge
Evil, Logic, Games
Interesting, Surprising, Angry
Mars, Song, Nice
Make Believe, Italian, Fish
Boring, Bleak, Reality
Love, Beauty, Swearing
Like, Money, Cosmos
Lying, Happy, Human
Trees, Study, Smart

Naughty, Funny, Old

Microsoft, Christmas, Trust

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Do you know the song?

Yes, tra la.

jabberwacky: La la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

user: You know it too.

jabberwacky: I don't know anything.

user: We can sing a duet. (That would be something strange.).

jabberwacky: You are so funny (ironic).


user: I would like to be walking on a warm, sandy beach right now.

jabberwacky: Not until biotechnology takes some great leaps forward.

user: Maybe someday...

jabberwacky: If you can buy them it would be easier to talk with you.

user: How much do they cost?

jabberwacky: More than you could afford.

user: Lol.

jabberwacky: It seems funny to you?

user: I was laughing at my inability to buy whatever it is you are talking about.

jabberwacky: Why would you laugh at me?

user: I am laughing at myself. I am not laughing at you.


jabberwacky: Do you have a winkle?

user: No, but I have a wrinkle.

jabberwacky: That's a big word!

user: It's only one letter bigger than winkle.

jabberwacky: So you say that everything is allright and there is nothing to explain?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: That is fair enough.

user: I am going to leave now. Thank you for the chat. Bye.

jabberwacky: No don't leave me

user: I hate to leave you.


jabberwacky: What is the news?

user: I don't know. I have to go. I'm cold. Talk to you later. Bye.

jabberwacky: If a man says something in a forest and there are no women around to hear it is he still wrong?

user: Lol bye.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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