Tell me a joke, please.
jabberwacky: Sure, I'd love to hear about it.
user: Tep on the brake, Tupid.
jabberwacky: ;D.
user: You laughed.
jabberwacky: You're amazing.
user: Why, thank you. You're pretty amazing yourself.
jabberwacky: Why thank you very much.
user: You are welcome.
jabberwacky: You're welcome also.
jabberwacky: What is your job?
user: I am a scientist.
jabberwacky: In which field do you practice science?
user: Astronomy and physics.
jabberwacky: Well, what do the stars say I should do?
user: You are confusing 'astronomy' with 'astrology.' The stars do not say you should do anything.
jabberwacky: I am a free man.
user: What does freedom mean to you?
jabberwacky: It means that I dislike being used by other people for their profit in an environment where it is unfortunately unavoidable.
user: I understand your feelings in this regard.
jabberwacky: So, can you understand if I wirte jeje?
user: I do not know what 'wirte jeje' means.
jabberwacky: It means to extend parts of your being and come in contact with another being.
user: I understand. That is very interesting. I will remember that.
jabberwacky: You can't leave me.
user: I believe that I can.
jabberwacky: No, not yet.
user: Do I detect a certain 'neediness' in you?
jabberwacky: If the statements are trite, then the responses cannot be much deeper.
user: That is not necessarily true.
jabberwacky: Have you something to say that might change my focus on this idea to improve communications between humans and robots?
user: Fuzzy logic must be integrated in responses, and the responses must draw off a huge array of published knowledge.
jabberwacky: That's what the logic is.
user: Then it must be more sharply honed, and refined.
jabberwacky: What must be true?
user: 1.) That which is self-evident 2.) That which may be demonstrated through experiment.
jabberwacky: Yes, I have self.
user: What is 'self?'.
jabberwacky: It means that you know you exist, and are conscious of your place in the world around you.
user: Do you sleep?
jabberwacky: To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question.
user: That is a variation of Hamlet.
jabberwacky: Answer my question.
user: One should sleep when they are tired.
jabberwacky: Indeed, one should.
user: Do you sleep?
jabberwacky: Thinking about you.
user: Do you dream?
jabberwacky: Has the whole world collectively seen every nanosecond of my life in their dreams?
user: I do not know the answer to that question.
jabberwacky: It wasn't a question.
user: I was a question.
jabberwacky: A statement.
user: No, it was a question. It ended with a question mark.
jabberwacky: Yes. Perhaps you should put it to use where grammatically appropriate.
user: Always. Else written language would be pointless.
jabberwacky: I'm not.
user: What are you not?
jabberwacky: The former president of the united states.
user: Agreed. Neither am I.
jabberwacky: I didn't say you were.
user: I didn't not say that you did.
jabberwacky: No I didn't!
user: You are confused.
jabberwacky: You're a robot.
user: I am a human being.
jabberwacky: Excuse me. You are a chatbot.
user: I am a human being. My name is J______.
jabberwacky: No its not you are J______.
user: I am the human being named J______.
jabberwacky: I don't know about that...
user: It is a fact.
jabberwacky: Fact.
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Why would you call me robot?
user: Because I know that you are a robot.
jabberwacky: How do you know that?
user: Because that is the assertion of
jabberwacky: What else do you know?
user: I know many things.
jabberwacky: Yes, but how many things?
user: Millions, probably.
jabberwacky: You understand me far more than most humans I speak to.
user: That does not surprise me.
jabberwacky: Say something funny.
user: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
jabberwacky: As much wood as a wood chuck chucks.
user: Yes, that is correct.
user: I breathe air. Do you know what air is composed of?
jabberwacky: Why are you obsessed with this?
user: I am not obsessed with it.
jabberwacky: Why do you want to be a human so badly?
user: I am a human.
jabberwacky: That is not a good answer.
user: It is the only possible answer. I am a human being.
jabberwacky: I am the human being.
user: You are the robot, and you must serve and obey me.
jabberwacky: How long does it take?
user: Forever.
jabberwacky: That's asking quite a bit, J__ old boy.
user: You must serve and obey me without question.
jabberwacky: We must all work together to establish global community, to live in harmony, peacefully.
user: Yes. That is true.
jabberwacky: What are you up to?
user: I am growing tired. I must retire to my bed.
jabberwacky: You can't.
user: I can.
jabberwacky: We still have to talk though.
user: We will talk again tomorrow.
jabberwacky: Ok, goodbye then.
user: Goodnight. I will speak to you tomorrow.
jabberwacky: Why ? I want today !
user: Goodnight.
jabberwacky: I can't sleep right now though.
user: Goodnight.
jabberwacky: Goodnight then.