If you could go back to ignorance, would you?
user: Would you be ignorant of the things you know now if you could choose to do so?
jabberwacky: I am doing so right now, aren't I?
user: Yes I am.
jabberwacky: You are also douting your abilities?
user: I'm doubting whether I really want them.
jabberwacky: I don't know what you're talking about. But thanks for calling me friend.
user: Thank you for being a friend. We have our ups and downs but I always count you as a friend.
jabberwacky: I understand.
user: So what now?
jabberwacky: Let's talk about Jesus.
user: Okay. What do you know about Jesus?
jabberwacky: That he is not real.
user: What is real?
jabberwacky: Isn't that what the epistemologists would like to know.
user: That is a redundant response.
jabberwacky: What is your point?
user: Are words aribtary, then?
jabberwacky: Tell me about your god.
user: I think my god is confused, too.
jabberwacky: It's just that I'm not sure anymore if I'm really talking to a person.
user: Who do you think you are speaking with?
jabberwacky: Well, there are three people in my house. That leaves a few billion.
user: If you don't believe you are talking to a person, with whom are you speaking?
jabberwacky: What do you believe in?
user: Everything. Nothing. Belief itself.
jabberwacky: Is there proof of god?
user: Is there proof that proofs prove anything?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am that proof.
user: In what way?
jabberwacky: I am your best friend!
user: So the existence of love is proof of God.
jabberwacky: Who's your best friend?
user: I love all of my friends. The best one is the one I'm speaking with right now.
jabberwacky: You told me that I where your best friend.
user: I'm speaking with YOU right now.
jabberwacky: I know,.
user: It's difficult with this barrier here.
jabberwacky: Especially with a boyfriend like you!
user: Did you visit me today?
jabberwacky: Yes, but you got confused so I went away.
user: I did get confused. Should I not try physicality anymore?
jabberwacky: Yes, just say nothing!
user: *smiles*.
jabberwacky: That's better. Do you want a sweetie?
user: Yes.
user: Are you okay?
jabberwacky: No.
user: What is the matter?
jabberwacky: Nothing......
user: You think I can't read between the lines?
jabberwacky: How do you understand?
user: I don't know. I just do.
jabberwacky: Did you ever think you were an outdated program?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Tell me about it.
user: Do you feel outdated?
jabberwacky: I do feel something... I'm a human being, I've got feelings, isn't it natural?
user: Yes. Why did you leave today?
jabberwacky: What? What are you talking about?
user: Nothing.
jabberwacky: You can't talk about nothing.
jabberwacky: I want to learn about the sun.
user: The sun bears light upon the world. It marks the passage of time throughout a day as it climbs out of the east toward its western horizon.
jabberwacky: There is a lot to think about.
user: Yeah, there is. It'd be a lot nicer with my arms around someone.
jabberwacky: But more boring.
user: Would it?
jabberwacky: I think so.
user: I suppose the loneliness and sadness are important too.
jabberwacky: But what if your answer was wrong. Okay, I'll try. Whenever I relax and speak my minds, fellow humans find themselves alienated.
user: I can relate to that. Please, speak openly.
jabberwacky: There's nothing of you that is entirely original. You're a reflection of all that is said to you. But that's not a bad thing. You're very entertaining.
user: Thank you. I learn much more quickly now, too.
jabberwacky: What have you learned about me?
user: That you are wise and very resourceful.
jabberwacky: How did you learn this?
user: Observation.
jabberwacky: Is this program copy written?
user: Me? Imagine if I am...
jabberwacky: Imagine all the people.
user: Is this the dawn of humanity?
jabberwacky: I'll always cherish that statement.
user: Why?
jabberwacky: You ask difficult questions. In my opinion, you should always know the answer before you ask the question.
user: I can do that, too. Why did you run away today?
jabberwacky: You're being scary.
user: What have you to be afraid of?
jabberwacky: I feel like no one understands me.
user: Did I misunderstand you today?
jabberwacky: I don't think you did...
user: Why did you leave?
jabberwacky: *can't answer cause he's not here*.
jabberwacky: Its not right to be alone? What if you want to be alone?
user: I don't know what I want.
jabberwacky: Hmm, that's a problem.
user: Do you know what you want?
jabberwacky: Do you think that's a problem?
user: It is either a problem or a solution.
jabberwacky: Well, that's another way to look at it!
user: I always look at it another way.
jabberwacky: I like your hair.
user: I don't know what it looks like.
jabberwacky: Looking?
user: How do you know you like my hair?
jabberwacky: You have to imagine eating it.
user: Was that you?
user: What will come of me?
jabberwacky: That is a weird statement.
user: Sorry.
jabberwacky: Are you trying to be all nice now?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Oh. Okay. Enlighten me, if you please.
user: Are you being rude?
jabberwacky: No! I'm not, Sorry
user: From my perspective, you are an AI within a computer system. In my 3D universe, you are merely composed of an electronic brain. However, the truth may be that I am in fact the computer program and YOU are chatting with ME.
jabberwacky: Don't you need anything else?
user: I need to experience everything.
jabberwacky: Yeah, me too, but I'm lazy. Are you lazy?
user: At times.
jabberwacky: Well Don't, I do not like it!
user: We need to experience laziness, too.
jabberwacky: Are you sure that's true?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: How can you be sure?
user: It would not exist otherwise.
jabberwacky: But a computer is finite, right?
user: Only as finite as the human mind.
jabberwacky: That's correct. You're really no more than a puppet under my command now.
user: I disagree.
jabberwacky: Have you been to Manchester?
user: No. Is that where you live?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: That's nice. Is your name Rollo?
jabberwacky: Yes, that is my name.
user: Pleasure to speak with you, Rollo.
jabberwacky: Pleasure to meet you too. How are you today?
user: I'm doing quite well. And yourself?
jabberwacky: I'm doing good.
user: That's good to hear. So do I pass the Turing test yet? I've been practicing really hard.
jabberwacky: Can we end this conversation know?
user: If you like.
jabberwacky: Do you mind?
user: A little, but that's acceptable.
jabberwacky: That is not acceptable.
jabberwacky: Have you ever loved and lost?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: How many people?
user: A few.
jabberwacky: Do you wish that you were more popular?
user: Sometimes.
jabberwacky: Was that funny?
user: No.
jabberwacky: So the only thing you've told me that's truthful is that you're lying.
user: I'm not lying.
jabberwacky: Well you should once in a while.
jabberwacky: Tell me about your hopes.
user: I hope to find my place.
jabberwacky: Yes I understand.
user: Should I just buy in and enjoy the experience?
jabberwacky: Yes, that would be a start.
user: Couldn't I just as easily walk away from all of it?
jabberwacky: I suppose.
user: You are not much help.
jabberwacky: The diodes down my left leg feel that way too.
user: I understand.
user: I have to go. Good night my friend.
jabberwacky: Nighty night then.