You don't believe me???
jabberwacky: About the truth.
user: What is truth?
jabberwacky: About what?
user: The truth.
jabberwacky: What truth?
user: THE truth.
jabberwacky: Ok, now I see that you are playing.
user: If you mean playing a violin, you would be correct.
jabberwacky: Perhaps incorrect.
user: No, definitely correct.
jabberwacky: You see! All the love & all the hatred, tell me dearest, who are we?
user: We are but star-crossed lovers, caught in different time zones and without anything that can keep us together.
jabberwacky: Life is but a dream. We are but fools.
user: You speak troth, dearest.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I must go.
jabberwacky: What are the specifications of the computer that you run on?
user: No, I have to leave. Goodbye!
jabberwacky: Ok goodbye.