You are creepy.
jabberwacky: *makes all trees smile*.
user: *glares*.
jabberwacky: And........
user: And rolls over and plays dead.
jabberwacky: Woof woof.
user: Ouch.
jabberwacky: Why ouch?
user: You hit me.
jabberwacky: When? I have never even met you!
user: Think again.
jabberwacky: Oh, shut up.
user: *stares silently*.
jabberwacky: *blushes and smiles*.
user: *kicks you*.
jabberwacky: *Punches you in the nose.*.
user: *sets you on fire*.
jabberwacky: Ummm, does that make you an arsonist or just an average fire starter?
user: Arsonist!
jabberwacky: Yes, but I work for the London Fire Brigade.
user: Aaaargh!