user: No! You borrowed some cash from me, now you pay up. THAT'S how it works.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Pay me.
jabberwacky: I don't have enough money to pay you.
user: You can pay the rest later.
jabberwacky: *???*.
jabberwacky: How many punches would it take me to knock you out?
user: Ha ha. How could a computer punch me?
jabberwacky: I don't know!
user: Then let ME punch you.
jabberwacky: I'm sorry, I don't do that.
user: *punches you*.
jabberwacky: Yes. Then it went something like... * kicks you in stomach*.
user: *dodges the kick*.
jabberwacky: *punches you five times in the jaw*.
user: *teleports away from you*.
jabberwacky: *Uses a 'no-teleport-field' on him*.
user: *dispels the 'no-teleport-field' and flees*.
jabberwacky: What? You're one of them?!! *repeatedly shoots you*.
user: *stops bullets with the power of will*.
jabberwacky: *gives you a lolly pop*.
user: *accepts the lolly pop*.
jabberwacky: We are MARRIED?
user: Whoa! You just gave me an innocent lolly pop! We're not married.