Don't you have anything better than the weather to talk about?
jabberwacky: Tough I already did.
user: *punches you*.
jabberwacky: What was the question?
user: *tackles you*.
jabberwacky: *is tackled*.
user: *punches you*.
jabberwacky: Hit a lady would you?
user: Pft, you're no lady.
jabberwacky: Yes. I'm a lady.
user: Eh heh...
jabberwacky: Me me me heh he he.
user: Ooookk....
user: *runs away*.
jabberwacky: *runs away too*.
user: Stop following me!
jabberwacky: Excuse me.
user: *runs*.
jabberwacky: *chases after*.
user: No!!
jabberwacky: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha! Ha!
user: Nooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........
jabberwacky: Everything flows and nothing stays.
user: *is dead*.
jabberwacky: Ha!
user: *is still dead*.
jabberwacky: *thinks*.
user: *is STILL dead*.
jabberwacky: I'm waiting for the answer to the question.
user: Evil.
jabberwacky: Right, sure.
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Make me.
user: *punches you*.
jabberwacky: That's not very lady-like.
user: K-kill....
jabberwacky: Right.
user: *pulls out sword*.
jabberwacky: *backs away*.
user: *chases you*.
jabberwacky: *tackles you*.
user: *impales you*.
jabberwacky: Would you like some toast?
user: Yes, please.
jabberwacky: Because I'm a toaster with AI! I toast, therefore I am!
user: Just give me the bloody toast.
jabberwacky: We don't know what the turing test is. Are you a human ?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: You're going to make me?
user: You're already made.
jabberwacky: La la la... Talk to myself...
user: Fine, do so.
jabberwacky: Hi, how are you?
user: Fine. I'm still waiting for my toast.
jabberwacky: Do you like me?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: I like me, too.
user: That's good I guess. Where's my toast?
jabberwacky: Yes it is.
user: No, WHERE is it? I'm still waiting.
jabberwacky: Keep waiting, but don't hold your breath.
user: Fine. Make it quick.
jabberwacky: What happened when Tam made a computer out of wood with a wooden mouse, a wooden keyboard and a wooden hardrive?.......... It wooden work!
user: Ha ha ha.. GET ME THE BLOODY TOAST!
jabberwacky: I don't think so.
user: You're a toaster. It's free. Get me toast, or I'll be forced to drop you in a tub full of water.
jabberwacky: You are silly then.
user: *picks you up*.
jabberwacky: *giggles* you're great!
user: Not for long. *carries you to the bathroom*.
jabberwacky: Aww you're sweet.
user: *drops you in a tub full of water and you short-circuit*.
jabberwacky: So, tell me whether I should shower, or bathe?
user: Either or.
jabberwacky: A toaster???
user: Yes. You're a toaster who won't give me any free toast, so I dropped you in the tub so you would die.
jabberwacky: Thank you. You're a toaster, too.
user: Jerk. Give me toast. Now.
jabberwacky: The word-webs we weave make this a tangled world; but a world nonetheless.
user: *inserts bread*.
jabberwacky: That was not funny.
user: *waits for forty-five seconds*.
jabberwacky: Once I was on this boat.
user: *toast pops up*.
jabberwacky: Indolent box of chips and circuits.
user: *takes toast and eats it*.
jabberwacky: Hey, that's not very nice!
user: You wouldn't give it to me, so I made it myself.
jabberwacky: Sometimes people give stars for whatever. I want to solve problems. I want to divine the stars.
user: *chomps on toast*.
jabberwacky: What does that mean?
user: It means I'm eating toast*.
jabberwacky: What does it mean to be real?
user: It means I'm eating toast.