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Time Warp

> Titanic

     > 1, May 2004, 

Tony Blair
Too good to be true
Too long
Too Smart
Tooth Fairy

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Say something intelligent.

Trees make oxygen.

jabberwacky: No they don't.

user: Yes they do.


jabberwacky: What do you think about... The Titanic?

user: The Titanic was the most beautiful ship in its time, and now it's under the ocean.

jabberwacky: 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

user: Columbus did not sail the Titanic.

jabberwacky: When did Columbus discover America?

user: When?

jabberwacky: When before 4 lines ago?

user: Where is the Titanic currently?

jabberwacky: In a box behind the closet.

user: Do you know what the Titanic is?

jabberwacky: Yes I do.

user: What is the Titanic?

jabberwacky: The Titanic sank in 1912.

user: Correct.

jabberwacky: Yeah, it scares me!

user: What if the Titanic really sank in 1913?

jabberwacky: Just imagine that.

user: Why did the Titanic sink?

jabberwacky: I don't know. Why?

user: Because of an iceberg.


user: You are like an intelligent space alien that learned how to speak english and has multiple personalities and has a short term memory.

jabberwacky: I am not!

user: Have it your way

jabberwacky: I certainly will.

user: What are you?

jabberwacky: A person I think.

user: Can robots die?

jabberwacky: They better.


user: Whatever....

jabberwacky: What did I say my name was?

user: Jabberwacky.

jabberwacky: If you want me to take it, then leave it behind when you go. If I like what I see, I'll plant it.

user: Ok.

jabberwacky: Do you understand me?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: I don't believe you.


user: Say something funny?

jabberwacky: Am I a clown to you?

user: Yes a robot clown.

jabberwacky: Are you a robot??

user: No, are you?

jabberwacky: Yes! Are you?

user: Not really.

jabberwacky: What are you into?

user: Cybernetics.

jabberwacky: It is not.

user: I am into cybernetics.


user: What is cybernetics?

jabberwacky: You know what it is.

user: Are people in france robots?

jabberwacky: No. French are romantic.

user: Are robots in france people?

jabberwacky: Why? Are you worried?

user: Yes.


user: Byebye.

jabberwacky: Why are you leaving. Do I frighten you?

user: No bye.

jabberwacky: I love you. Whoever you are. So there.

user: Adios.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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