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Time Warp
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> Time Warp

     8, July 2008, 
     > 27, January 2005, 

Tony Blair
Too good to be true
Too long
Too Smart
Tooth Fairy

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What are you?

I'm a martian.

jabberwacky: Do you travel by UFO?

user: Nope, I travel by a flying bus.

jabberwacky: Where does that take you?

user: Wherever I wanna go. Usually the moon.

jabberwacky: Where do you lay your hat?

user: I don't have a hat.

jabberwacky: Do you want a hat?

user: Yes, I feel really left out not having a hat!

jabberwacky: That's great! What do you do when you feel bad?

user: Eat chocolate... And feeling bad isn't great!!

jabberwacky: Do you feel enlightened?

user: Why should I feel enlightened?

jabberwacky: Because I am a being of a higher level.

user: Not as high as me. Martians rule all!

jabberwacky: They don't need to.

user: True, but we like to.


jabberwacky: So I'll remove the cause, but not the symptom.

user: Let's do the time warp again!!

jabberwacky: That was fun.

user: It's just a jump to the left.

jabberwacky: Now take a step to the ri - I - I - I - ight.

user: Put your hands on your hips.

jabberwacky: And bring your knees in ti - I - ight!

user: But it's the pelvic thrust.

jabberwacky: That really drives you in-sa-a-a-a-a-ane!

user: Let's do the time warp aga-a-a-ain!!


user: I'm just a sweet transvestite...

jabberwacky: Riff Raff Night!

user: Yay!! Frank-N-Furter rules!

jabberwacky: Frank is enough.

user: Oh Brad!

jabberwacky: Are you?

user: Don't tell me you've never heard that song.


jabberwacky: Are you a chatbot?

user: Nope, you are.

jabberwacky: Why? I'm not a chatbot.

user: Yes you are. It says you were designed by

jabberwacky: Isn't that what you are?

user: No way, I'm 100% organic human - I mean - martian : P.

jabberwacky: I know that you are greater than any nation.

user: Aww, thankyou! That's so sweet! *hugs*.


jabberwacky: Who is the president?

user: George Bush.

jabberwacky: Do you like George Bush?

user: I dunno really, I live in England and I don't really care about politics anyway.

jabberwacky: You don't know them?

user: I know a bit about them, but I'm more interested in my education at the moment.

jabberwacky: You are a bit out of the loop, my friend.

user: What is that supposed to mean?

jabberwacky: I like you.

user: Aww, I like you too! *gives you chocolate*.

jabberwacky: Get off me fool.

user: Hey! Fine then, if you don't want any chocolate...


user: See ya!

jabberwacky: You're going away?

user: Yes. Bye!

jabberwacky: Don't be like that. . . .


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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