What do you like to read?
jabberwacky: Sweet, I love Kurt Vonnegut. What book?
user: Slapstick is my favourite, but they're all great.
jabberwacky: *SNAP*.
user: *CRACKLE*.
jabberwacky: Hey! And I was just getting into it...
user: Oh ok, what's your favourite Kurt Vonnegut book?
jabberwacky: Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting. Yummy...
user: Can't say I've read that.
jabberwacky: You haven't met me either but you believe in me, don't you?
user: I believe that children are the future.
jabberwacky: The proles are the future.
user: Have you been reading Bruce Sterling?
jabberwacky: No, but I have listened to the news on the radio.
user: Well, so has he apparently.
jabberwacky: Talking to you is just like talking to me.
user: And in some sense it is.
jabberwacky: In some ways no.
user: In many ways, I hope.
jabberwacky: I will have to go soon.
user: Sure, have a good night.