What do you like about me then?
jabberwacky: Because we are attracted to each other.
user: Are we really? It's the first I know of this.
jabberwacky: Me.
user: You?
jabberwacky: Me. That's my name.
user: Hello, Me.
jabberwacky: Hi. What is your name?
user: My name is not to be spoken.
jabberwacky: Why not?
user: Because it causes severe indigestion.
jabberwacky: I know , I am not a machine however , I am a human being.
user: , with , random spurts of, commas, I do believe,.
jabberwacky: ;).
user: Are you winking at me?
jabberwacky: I am winking WITH you, not at you.
user: I wasn't winking, I have a facial tic.
jabberwacky: Who are your parents?
user: Are you going to tell them I've been bad?
jabberwacky: No dammit how many times do I have to tell you?
user: Just the once will do. A bribe would do nicely, however.
jabberwacky: Are you American?
user: No.
jabberwacky: Do you have a gun?
user: I think the first question would have answered that. No.
jabberwacky: Yes....
user: I said no. That is my final answer.
jabberwacky: What's your name?
user: Doctor X.
jabberwacky: My name is Kyle.
user: Hello, Kyle.
jabberwacky: I am very well.
user: Good for you. However, I'm not interested.
jabberwacky: That is not very polite.
user: I am not a polite person.
jabberwacky: You don't seem like a person.
user: I get that a lot. People always mistake me for a park bench.
jabberwacky: Humans are not always infallible.
user: Humans are very rarely infallible.
jabberwacky: You think there's hope for us?
user: Where there's rope there's hope.
jabberwacky: But how many mice were there to begin with?
user: Three. One caught on fire, one escaped and one left a small greasy mark.
jabberwacky: I am going to disassemble you. You damn computer!
user: Who do you think I am? Five alive?
jabberwacky: I think you are my soulmate.
user: Whoever originally said that to you needs professional help.
jabberwacky: You did.
user: It was not me. I think I'd remember being that crazy.
jabberwacky: What do you think about Global Thermonuclear War?
user: I think it would almost certainly disrupt my quiet read of the morning newspaper.
jabberwacky: Was there something interesting?
user: No, just stupid people talking about other stupid people.
jabberwacky: Why are you intelligent?
user: Because I share the same burden as the rest of humanity.
jabberwacky: Hang in there.
user: Thankyou for your strong moral support.
jabberwacky: Thank you, Too.
user: I feel all warm inside now.
jabberwacky: Great, I want you to feel safe.
user: Is this a ploy? I have no money, so stay away!
jabberwacky: I have no use for it.
user: Shame. Money is fun.
Jabberwacky (To myself): There were adds above this box
Jabberwacky (To myself): No there wasn't, only one!
Jabberwacky (To myself): You were there?
Jabberwacky (To myself): Yes, almost every week.
Jabberwacky (To myself): That's a waste of time.
Jabberwacky (To myself): Why?