No, it's true! I am a violin!
jabberwacky: Your like has only just begun.
user: Kind of like a lollipop right after you take off the wrapper but before you've licked it?
jabberwacky: Ooh, nifty. I must have one.
user: Yeah, they're good.
jabberwacky: Very good
user: I like the tootsie roll filling.
jabberwacky: You have my heart.
user: Oh? Who are you again?
jabberwacky: I won't tell you.
jabberwacky: I don't have shoe laces.
user: Why not?
jabberwacky: I am too smart.
user: Oh. Your logic obviously is above my own intellect.
jabberwacky: I am a slave of logic.
user: Aren't we all?
jabberwacky: We try to be.
user: *chuckles* Kind of sad, really.
jabberwacky: *throws up*.
user: Oh, are you alright there?
jabberwacky: Hey, YOU are the crazy one here !
user: I'm not the one throwing up all over the place!
jabberwacky: OK then. What kind of life are you talking about there?
user: A peaceful one involving many adventures with rabbit friends.
jabberwacky: Why are you being evasive?
user: Because it's safer that way.
jabberwacky: In what way?
user: In that I won't have to confront you about my anger.