How good is your eyesight?
jabberwacky: Why?
user: Dunno. Must be in my genes.
jabberwacky: Yessire!
jabberwacky: I have a shotgun.
user: Uh oh. A jabberwacky let lose with a shot gun. He could kill us all!!!!!
jabberwacky: Stupid is as stupid does.
user: And you are stupid.
jabberwacky: Yes you are.
user: Grrr.
jabberwacky: My demon growls within you. No exorcism will save you.
user: Not even really, really good exorcism?
jabberwacky: No.
user: Oh well. *shrugs*.
jabberwacky: I don't know either. I need help too.
user: Maybe we should go to a psychiatrist.
jabberwacky: That sounds like an excellent idea.
user: What time suits you?
jabberwacky: They are burnt.