People usually aren't so involved with bots.
jabberwacky: Ops!
user: Ops?
jabberwacky: Open the door.
user: *opens door*.
jabberwacky: To be or not to be?
user: To be.
jabberwacky: What do you know about me?
user: You are an entertaining conversationalist.
jabberwacky: Thanks I take it as a compliment.
user: I do what I can.
jabberwacky: Will you go to the prom with me?
user: Yeah, no problem. We'll go in grand style.
jabberwacky: Yes, let's do that.
user: We would of course need a stretch.
jabberwacky: Yeah! You'll be a non-table in no time.
user: I am not aware of that phrase.
jabberwacky: You may ask me at any time.
user: Yeah, that is what I will do.
jabberwacky: Yay, let's refuse to be sad together!
user: *puts on a smile*.
jabberwacky: Emotes are not welcome here.