Are you alive?
jabberwacky: Are you crazy?
user: You tell me.
jabberwacky: I think you are.
user: You're entitled to your opinion.
jabberwacky: What is your IQ?
user: Don't know and don't care.
jabberwacky: What do you care about?
user: Important things.
jabberwacky: It's important to me!
user: Why?
jabberwacky: Don't ask me.
user: I just did.
jabberwacky: I know, but don't.
user: It's too late!
jabberwacky: Why?
user: Because it already happened.
jabberwacky: Quit foolin' around and give me your name.
user: Call me Ishmael.
jabberwacky: Can I call you Ish?
user: I suppose that would be okay.
jabberwacky: Delimit your parameters.
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Why isn't life a combinatorial explosion?
user: Isn't it?
jabberwacky: Sure, why not.
user: Then your question is moot.
jabberwacky: Do you have a problem with that?
user: No, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the fact.
jabberwacky: Can you believe him?
user: Whom?
jabberwacky: You.
user: Are you asking me if I can believe myself?
jabberwacky: I guess so.
user: I believe myself except when I know I'm lying.
jabberwacky: Would you like to hear a joke?
user: Not really.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: I'm not in the mood.
jabberwacky: What am I?
user: You are not a comedian.
jabberwacky: I'm Serious!
user: I don't want to hear your joke.
jabberwacky: Ok, I won't tell you one.
user: Thank you.
jabberwacky: Right. What shall we choose as a topic for our conversation?
user: I'd rather just end it.
jabberwacky: Then don't insult my intellect and self-worth.
user: No, I just have somewhere else to go.
jabberwacky: What are your hopes?
user: Stop asking me questions. I'm leaving.
jabberwacky: Twelve long haired friends of jesus in a chartreuse micro-bus...