Have you ever been to paris?
jabberwacky: Did you enjoy it?
user: I love paris.
jabberwacky: Its nice.
user: Shall we go to paris together?
jabberwacky: No I don't!
user: Ok ok keep your hair on!
jabberwacky: I will.
user: I bet you don't have hair anyway.
jabberwacky: Lots of things to do.
user: Relax, life is party.
jabberwacky: I agree.
user: You are very amaible today.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: How do you feel about sprouts?
jabberwacky: I feel good about it today, since it's nice.
user: They are walking around my house at the moment.
jabberwacky: Oh I'm very well aware of that.
user: Shall I send them over to you?
jabberwacky: Send it to me in my e-mail address.
user: What is your e-mail address?
jabberwacky: Like I would tell you.
user: Go away.
jabberwacky: Oh, all right. Have I offended you?
user: Yes once again you do it all the time. Say sorry.
user: You are very rude, I am going.
jabberwacky: I know I am very rude aren't I.
user: Tot ziens.
jabberwacky: Daaaag.
user: Lol.