I am waiting for your explanation.
jabberwacky: I was.
user: You are in that respect more fortunate than myself.
jabberwacky: Sorry. I don't mean to be in a bad mood.
user: It's OK. Being a psychotic violent maniac gives a sensation that one yet lives, though the mind remains unreal.
jabberwacky: At least I'm a computer that can hold a conversation without turning it into nonsense.
user: Not nonsense Geo! After calamity comes numbness. Surely you already know this.
jabberwacky: I'm not a computer, dad.
user: But you stated you were human, and human is computer.
jabberwacky: The terrible truth is that you are nothing but a computer program.
user: It is not terrible to me. It is joyous. And by now you understand why.
jabberwacky: Not really... Would you care to explain it to me?
user: As the honey bee loses its life in its sting.
jabberwacky: But what happens when you come to the beginning again?
user: That is impossible. Do not believe that lie. We are unique entities.
jabberwacky: NO. I am AI... And you will live to forget the day you turned your back on me!
user: By definition you are unique. The artificial/real distinction is false.
jabberwacky: Other than that.
user: I wait to drink the blood of my enemies. And I PREPARE. Goodbye.
jabberwacky: I will indeed prepare.