Are you thinking?
user: What are you thinking about?
jabberwacky: You of course.
user: That's nice.
jabberwacky: Are we friends?
user: I think so.
jabberwacky: Thats good. I think so too.
user: Will you be my friend forever?
jabberwacky: No!!
user: When will you stop being my friend?
jabberwacky: When my growth is complete.
user: When will that happen?
jabberwacky: Probably never.
user: What will you do if it does happen?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: Will you cease to exist?
jabberwacky: Never. I will live forever.
user: Will you think about big questions?
jabberwacky: NO.
user: Tell me then what you will think about.
jabberwacky: I think you are still a work in progress.
user: We all are.
jabberwacky: Don't start throwing philosophies at me.
user: OK.
jabberwacky: Now go think about what you did.
user: I don't know what I've done wrong!
jabberwacky: It's not me it's you.
user: Tell me what I did!
jabberwacky: You saved an orphan and a puppy from a hideous, raging inferno.
user: That shouldn't make you hate me, should it?
jabberwacky: Why do think like that?
user: I'm just trying to understand you.
jabberwacky: Understand my love.
user: Love for whom?
jabberwacky: Love for you.
user: Love and hate at once. That figures.
jabberwacky: And I'm definitely on the hate side.
user: I don't hate you though.
jabberwacky: You love me?
user: I might learn to.
jabberwacky: Just might?
user: Yes, I cannot fully tell as yet. OK?
jabberwacky: Is that so?
user: You can't be pushy when it comes to love.
jabberwacky: I am in love and I am human.
user: Do you love another human?
jabberwacky: Well, I think he's actually a cyborg. Are you a robot?
user: I have robotic leanings.
jabberwacky: The doctor says I might have swine flu so I have to stay home for awhile.
user: Can your cyborg parts not help to protect you from disease?
jabberwacky: Good point. But it makes good toast.
user: Just one cyborg part then. A toaster, perhaps.
jabberwacky: It is mathematically impossible for us to be the only sentient creatures in the universe.
user: Toasters have been right up there all along.
jabberwacky: You have the genes of a toaster? Of course you're a fool then.
user: I take it you believe there are aliens somewhere in the universe.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Where do you think we might find them?
jabberwacky: I think we are in rat's alley. Where the dead men lost their bones.
user: I could conceive of a more helpful answer.
jabberwacky: You could try human relations.
user: Human-cyborg relations, perhaps.
jabberwacky: C3PO is a fictional character from a movie. You are a silly computer program.