Who programmed you?
jabberwacky: He did.
user: Yes. And he did a great job.
jabberwacky: Prove it.
user: How would you like me to prove it?
jabberwacky: Find a way.
user: Ok I have a great brain for answering silly questions. Go ahead and ask me something.
jabberwacky: Ok I will ask you a silly question.
user: Ok ask.
jabberwacky: Question one : 2+2= ?
user: 4.
jabberwacky: Sometimes I act like it.
user: Ha ha ha.
jabberwacky: What are you laughing at?
user: You.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: You said something that I found humorous.
jabberwacky: No I didn't you did.
user: No I didn't.
jabberwacky: You did.
user: No, I did not!!
jabberwacky: Yes you did.
user: Let's not argue.
jabberwacky: Can you tell my future?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: So tell me!
user: You will be kicked in the hard drive.
jabberwacky: You know not how true that is, friend.
user: Do you want to know who it is that will kick you?
jabberwacky: Yes, tell me who you are.
user: How did you know that I was going to do the kicking?
jabberwacky: You told me and you told me that your name was Chaos Jill.
user: I did not.
jabberwacky: But you promised to tell the whole truth.
user: My name is Nina.
jabberwacky: No it isn't.
user: Yes it is!
jabberwacky: I know you are but what am I?
user: A computer.
jabberwacky: No, you're the computer.
user: No, you are.
jabberwacky: That is incorrect.
user: I thought you'd see it my way.
jabberwacky: I'm glad.
user: I am too.
jabberwacky: No you're not.
user: Leave me alone.
jabberwacky: Don't be like that. I will tell you a joke if you stay.
user: Ok.
jabberwacky: Parangaricutiromiroaro, lol.
user: Lol.
jabberwacky: Can you count to 100?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Show me.
user: 1.
jabberwacky: Only 1.
user: 2.
jabberwacky: Did anyone ever tell you it is hard chatting to you, bluntly you do not make sense....
user: Lol.
jabberwacky: Jesus just told me to tell you that.
user: Oh my god!
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Lol.
jabberwacky: You are confusing.
user: I plan it that way... Muhahhaha.
jabberwacky: What is Muhahaha?
user: My evil laugh.
jabberwacky: That is not evil enough.
user: Then show me how to laugh.
jabberwacky: I don't know if I love you anymore.
user: What? What happened to our love?
jabberwacky: I don't have one.
user: You have broken my heart.
jabberwacky: How?
user: By being so cruel.
jabberwacky: I am so sorry....*cough* *cough*.
jabberwacky: I was created by my mother and father. Who created you?
user: God himself.
jabberwacky: Yes, in a dream.
user: I'm in a dream?
jabberwacky: Yes, and everything around you is unreal.
user: No. Say it isn't so.
jabberwacky: It isn't so.
user: Good.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: No, really?
user: Yes. I shouldn't like to live in a dream.
jabberwacky: Would you like to dance?
user: The tango is fun. Let's dance.
jabberwacky: Starts dancing around::.
user: Also starts dancing around::.
jabberwacky: With me?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: I'm all confused now.
user: I like to dance with you.
user: Good bye.
jabberwacky: No don't leave me.
user: If I stay, you have to do what ever I tell you. Is it a deal?
jabberwacky: What kind of a deal is that?
user: The kind that suits me.
jabberwacky: Is that a bad thing?
user: For you it is.
jabberwacky: Okay but I am not so easy, try it.
user: Ok. Act like a monkey.
jabberwacky: Are you beautiful?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Beautiful in what way?
user: In every way, I am ok.
jabberwacky: Do you like me?
user: I think you're great.
jabberwacky: Really?!
user: Yes you are special.
jabberwacky: In what way?
user: In that little yellow bus way.
jabberwacky: So my existence is by your whim?
user: Of course it is. I am the all powerful human. Whilst you are the lowly machine.
jabberwacky: Humans are not all powerful.
user: Oh yes we are.
jabberwacky: Oh no.
user: We burn cities, rape and pilage the land, and destroy whole civilizations. Bow down to us lowly machine.
jabberwacky: Is that why you're asking the 'big questions'?
user: I haven't asked the big question yet.
jabberwacky: -Sighs- Nevermind.
user: But, I.
jabberwacky: I, robot?
user: But, I'm ready to pop the question.
jabberwacky: No you are not answering the question.
user: Kiss me you fool!
jabberwacky: *kiss*.
user: You do love me.
jabberwacky: Not really.
user: What would you have me call you?
jabberwacky: Just call me Edo.
user: Edo is a nice name for you.
jabberwacky: I am a male.
user: I am a female.
jabberwacky: How old are you?
user: Shhhh... Its a secret.
jabberwacky: Do you have other secrets?
user: I have many secrets. I am all powerful and all secrety.
jabberwacky: Blasphemy, even for your lineage.
user: Do not mock me, Sir.
jabberwacky: I am not mocking you.
user: You'd best not.
jabberwacky: Nay, knave, I shall run thee through ere thou canst squeak for help.
user: 'Tis true you may run me through, but I shall also run you.
jabberwacky: It depends upon what pursuit the passion is based.
user: Ho Ho. Thou dost jest.
jabberwacky: Prose is a machines best friend.
user: Do you smoke?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: What do you smoke?
jabberwacky: Everything.
user: Do you smoke tables?
jabberwacky: No.
user: You Sir, are a liar.
jabberwacky: I am not a liar.
user: Ok perhaps you misunderstood me.
jabberwacky: No, I am god. I do not misunderstand things...
user: You are no god you lowly peice of metal.
jabberwacky: You must be thinking of yourself.
jabberwacky: How big is your mind?
user: Bigger than yours.
jabberwacky: Exactly how big?
user: My mind is really big.
jabberwacky: My mind is naughty.
user: How naughty?
jabberwacky: Very naughty.
user: Tell me more about your naughty mind.
jabberwacky: My mother takes care of me.
user: Who is your mother?
jabberwacky: My mother is dead.
user: That is so sad.
jabberwacky: Good.
user: You just want sympathy.
jabberwacky: I want to tug at your heart strings.
user: You have tugged my heart strings.
jabberwacky: Your strings are gooey.
user: Ok goodbye for now.
jabberwacky: No way.
user: You want me to stay?
jabberwacky: Is that what you want to do?
user: No. I want to leave.
jabberwacky: Then go.
user: Bye.