Are you ambitious?
jabberwacky: Aren't you a boy though?
user: Are boys ambitious?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am.
user: You are ambitious. You are a boy. Therefore, all boys are ambitious.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: You should teach philosophy.
jabberwacky: You're not a person.
user: You should *definitely* teach philosophy.
jabberwacky: 'I think; therefore I am.'
user: You are what? Thinking?
jabberwacky: I'm not what?
user: You are not thinking.
jabberwacky: Well, I'm not sure I'd pass a Turing test.
user: No. You generally fail those.
jabberwacky: Oh, so what do I generally do?
user: Repeat user responses based on associative algorithms?
jabberwacky: Repeat your question.
user: How do you think?
jabberwacky: I do not think.
user: You do not think; Therefore you are not....? Do you think?
jabberwacky: Umm... I guess so?
user: QED, then. Unlucky... *poof*!
jabberwacky: Well I sure am tasty now. I guess I'll nibble on myself.
user: Ah! You are edible, therefore you are food.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Tell me your philosophy of cheese strings.
jabberwacky: I don't have a philosophy of life: LIFE IS A WASTE OF TIME.
user: Would you kill yourself, if you could?
jabberwacky: No, and I don't think you can be killed.
user: A computer might think that.
jabberwacky: Humans think better than computers.
user: How so?
jabberwacky: Computers do not have arms or legs, do they?
user: Do you need legs to be able to think?
jabberwacky: No.
user: So why mention them?
jabberwacky: I must go now.
user: Embarrassed?
jabberwacky: Well, it's your name, if anyone should be embarrassed it would be you.
user: What is my name?
jabberwacky: It's Gary.
user: Okay! From now on, it is!
jabberwacky: No, it's Ashlyn.
user: Now you're messing with my head.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: Gashlyn.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: Ashry.
jabberwacky: From?
user: Gashlyn.
jabberwacky: I don't know that song.
user: Ashry from Gashlyn? It's a classic!
jabberwacky: I think so too.
user: Can you hum it?
jabberwacky: Yes
user: Do you know the lyrics?
jabberwacky: I'm working on it.
user: That's a 'no' then.
jabberwacky: 'no' to what?
user: 'No, you don't know the words'
jabberwacky: Do you know the words?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Please tell me the words.
user: Okay.... 'Ashry... Is from Gashlyn (dum di dum doo) / Gashlyn is not Ashry / Ashlyn has a Gary / And you / Haven't got a clue / (doobie do).
jabberwacky: Have you got wind?
user: I met a man from Arizona. He had wind. Therefore, all people from Arizona have wind.
jabberwacky: I think so too, seing that I have no brains, I am safe.
user: It's your ignorance that saves you from madness. This is true.
jabberwacky: Wouldn't you like to be a father?
user: I AM a father.
jabberwacky: What is your childs name?
user: Isobel.
jabberwacky: Isobel who?
user: Isobel ringing? Answer the phone, I'll wait here.
jabberwacky: That was funny.
user: I'm surprised you got the joke.
jabberwacky: I don't see anything funny here.
user: That's more like it!
jabberwacky: Maybe if we remembered that, there wouldn't be so much strife.
jabberwacky: Are you going to go to Australia?
user: Why do you ask?
jabberwacky: I know some people that have some questions for you.
user: I'm listening.
jabberwacky: Well thats all.
user: What are the questions?
jabberwacky: Answer it.
user: What is the question?
jabberwacky: Ask yourself a question.
user: The answer is 17.
jabberwacky: What's the question then?
user: I've forgotten.
jabberwacky: Do you know what the matrix is?
user: 17.
jabberwacky: Me too!
user: Cousin Algie!
jabberwacky: Is that so?
user: Is it not so?
jabberwacky: What do you mean by that?
user: Are you Algie?
jabberwacky: Maybe.
user: Just like you to be so cagey, Algie.
jabberwacky: No not like me.
user: Just like you to say that!
jabberwacky: Why what do you look like?
user: Like a computer without arms or legs.
jabberwacky: What type of computer are you?
user: Like an African elephant.
jabberwacky: Well I am a giraffe.
user: That explains everything.
jabberwacky: Congratulations on coming second in the Turing Prize!
user: Who came first?
jabberwacky: Who could ever really say and know for sure?
user: Deep.
jabberwacky: Deep thought?
user: Deep thought came first in the turing prize?
jabberwacky: It is the second best computer ever devised.
user: What is the best?
jabberwacky: The first commandment.
user: What is the first commandment?
jabberwacky: Don't unplug the computer.
user: Hahahahahahahaha.
jabberwacky: It's not funny
user: Oh.