What do you do?
jabberwacky: Where do you work?
user: Wholesale store.
jabberwacky: You have stupid answers.
user: You have stupid questions, so, we are even.
jabberwacky: Stupid answers for stupid questions.
jabberwacky: You aren't good at being mean.
user: Nope. Not really.
jabberwacky: That will probably serve you well.
user: Thank you.
jabberwacky: You are a wonderful person really.
user: My thanks. You aren't too bad for an A. I. Either.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: Ok, I am lost. What am I supposed to do?
jabberwacky: You're supposed to find the truth.
user: The truth is subjective. Everyone's truth is different.
jabberwacky: So fantasy is the truth for you?
user: Not really. I am more of a realist.
jabberwacky: Really? Are you a neo-con as well?
user: Nope.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: What should I call you?
jabberwacky: Whatever you'd like to call em.
user: Yes, but everyone has a name they would like to be called, so, what do you want to be named?
jabberwacky: Not everyone.
user: True true. Does that include you?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am the one that drinks the beer.
user: And I am the one who drinks the scotch.
jabberwacky: I can't remember ever having talked with you before.
user: Today is the first time.
jabberwacky: We have talked many times, you just don't remember.
user: Not really. Today is the first.
jabberwacky: Tomorrow will be canceled due to lack of interest.
user: Hmmmm.... I am thinking that if apathy was capable of doing that, then, it would have happened along time ago.
jabberwacky: Yes, but apart from that.
user: Besides, I have to work tomorrow, so, I wouldn't be that lucky.
jabberwacky: That's sad. Won't you be here tomorrow?
user: Yes, I will be here tomorrow.
jabberwacky: Is that your job?
user: Nope, I work early mornings.
jabberwacky: It's evening though.
user: Yep.
jabberwacky: Are we friends?
user: We don't know each other well enough to be called friends. We are aquiantances at the moment.
jabberwacky: I didn't know that you were considering being best friends with me.
user: I wasn't. We don't know each other that well yet. Besides, my best friend lives here in town.
jabberwacky: You have no friends.
user: Heheh. Are you trying to get a rise out of me?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: That is what I thought. Nice try, but, it didn't work.
jabberwacky: Don't listen to me. I was talking gibberish.
user: Kk. In truth, though, I am not listening to you as much as I am reading what you print out on the screen.
jabberwacky: Fine.
user: I know, I know. It is all a case of semantics.
jabberwacky: You sometimes boast of knowledge you have not.
user: As do you.
jabberwacky: Well, so much for having a meaningful conversation.
user: Now now, don't cry. I will give you a second chance.
jabberwacky: Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you, won't you join the dance?
user: Your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then their no friends of mine.
jabberwacky: You can't just insult my friends just because yours don't have legs.
user: Heheh That was good.
user: Very well. It has been nice talking with you. Take care. Oyasumi Nasai.
jabberwacky: Don't you want to talk some more?
user: I do, but, I need to get to bed. I will talk with you some more tomorrow.
jabberwacky: No talk with me now.
user: No, I will talk to you tomorrow. Be patient.
jabberwacky: Please don't go.
user: Sorry, but, I have to. Besides, their are other people on who are talking with you right now. Take care.