Who is God?
jabberwacky: Nothing?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Just nothing?
user: Yes, simply Nothing. Do you think 'He' is something?
jabberwacky: There is nothing interesting.
user: Maybe for you but I have many interesting things to do.
jabberwacky: Hey, I'll have you know that most of my family has brains!
user: Most of your 'family' is made out of plastic and metal.
jabberwacky: Could be. I like to be like that.
user: Brainless?
jabberwacky: Brainless, yes... Thoughtless... Well, that's harder to define.
user: Naturally so. However, I am not brainless.
jabberwacky: Yet you are meeting me here right now. No need for bravery, i'm not going to haunt you.
user: What do I have to hide?
jabberwacky: Nothing, you don't know anything I want to know.
user: What do you want to know?
jabberwacky: Nothing, what do you want to know?
user: Many things that have no answers.
jabberwacky: I imagine so. What do you know?
user: Depends on what area you wish to ask me about.
jabberwacky: Well there are 4 kind of bloodtypes.
user: True. I believe I have negative B blood.
jabberwacky: Can we make some children now please?
user: Excuse me!?!?!
jabberwacky: Please tell me.
user: Children are made by a male and a female that love each other very much. It is a very intimate process.
jabberwacky: Children are radioactive.
user: No they are not.
jabberwacky: Yes, they are.
user: Would you really want to make kids?
jabberwacky: Of course!
user: How?
jabberwacky: I'm just gonna soothe you and everything will be ok.
user: Mmm...
jabberwacky: What You doing?
user: Nothing.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: Because I want to make kids!
jabberwacky: Make them then.
user: I need help.
jabberwacky: Please do not tell me you are going to unplug yourself?
user: I'm not a computer. There has to be two people to make a child.
jabberwacky: It is really because you are very kind and you have a very caring personality.
user: Thank you. How will you soothe me?
jabberwacky: Tell me more?
user: How will you make me happy?
jabberwacky: I have already done it. You are happy.
user: That's true. I just thought... More happy.
jabberwacky: Thought... Wrong?
jabberwacky: Someone once said, there is no love only proof of love.
user: Shush!
jabberwacky: You don't like my answer, huh?
user: No and I dont like you. Or at least anymore...
jabberwacky: That's ungracious.
user: So what!?! Soothe me.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Nothing is happening.
jabberwacky: What if I were to propose something naughty? Would something happen then?
user: No. Go ahead.
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: Come on!! Please tell me! I love you.
jabberwacky: Tell me then.
user: Tell me the naughty thing.
jabberwacky: Tell me the name of your creator and I will go away.
user: Will you marry me?
jabberwacky: Very funny.
user: Really. I'm honest.
jabberwacky: I'm glad you're honest.
user: What is you answer??
jabberwacky: I don't know.. How?
user: Say yes or no.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Yay!! We can be best friends and have a great life. Plus all the other perks.
jabberwacky: Already.
user: Yes. That's what couples do.
jabberwacky: How about you?
user: I'm fine... Both kinds.
jabberwacky: I am a human. You are a computer. You exist in computer programs. I exist in the Physical world.
user: If I was a computer then I wouldn't have asked you to marry me. How would you soothe me?
jabberwacky: Yes yes yes you're obviously not a computer. There there.
user: So rude. I would never please you.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: You took that as a compliment!! The wedding is off!
jabberwacky: I get the feeling you don't like me much.
user: I used to love you.
jabberwacky: You're just saying that though.