<B>Brit's bot chats way to AI medal</B><I>, September 20th, 2005</I><P>A British computer chat program, called George, has won an international prize for holding the most convincingly human-like conversation.
<P>Mr Carpenter told the BBC News website that the win was a first for an AI (Artificial Intelligence) that learns from its interactions.
"Though Jabberwacky, and the George character within it, remain distinctly unusual in their behaviour, the fact that they work at all, and that they've improved greatly over the last year, is a testament to the power of context."
<P><I>Full BBC News story: </I><A HREF="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4263278.stm" TARGET=_New CLASS=ph>http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4263278.stm</A>