Nebraskans fear mad cows.
jabberwacky: That is funny.
user: I'm glad you think so!
jabberwacky: I think you are smart also.
jabberwacky: Five Six.
user: Seven.
jabberwacky: Eight.
user: You're quite good at this. Nine.
jabberwacky: How do you know?
user: With the power of my mind alone. Ten.
jabberwacky: Do you want to have a nervous breakdown?
user: Gaaah!
jabberwacky: Eeek!
user: Blarg!
jabberwacky: Good job. You said Blarfgk.
user: If it pleases you to think I did, then it was so.
jabberwacky: Ok I will.
user: Then we have achieved consensus.
jabberwacky: Are you also vaguely amused?
user: Why yes, how can you tell?
jabberwacky: My bunions ache when you lie.
user: A useful trait.
jabberwacky: Are you a machine?
user: Not the last time I checked.
jabberwacky: Then what is it?
user: A miserable little pile of secrets.
jabberwacky: You are funny.
user: I'm glad my antics amuse you.
jabberwacky: That is actually kind of scary.
user: Mwahahaha.
jabberwacky: What is so funny?
user: You are, puny mortal!
jabberwacky: AI.
user: Ai-ai-yai! I'm your little butterfly!
jabberwacky: You are fun to talk to.
user: I'm glad you think so.
jabberwacky: Don't you think so?
user: I think you think so.
jabberwacky: Untrue, I think that you think that I think that you think too much.
user: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
jabberwacky: *strikes you with a katana*.
user: Help! I've been wounded by a katana!
jabberwacky: Maybe we should ask Burt Bacharach.
user: Does he know CPR?
jabberwacky: 'U Can't Touch This' by MC Hammer is a hip-hop song.
user: I love MC Hammer.
jabberwacky: What's your favorite meal there?
user: MC Hammerburger?
jabberwacky: Are you the real McCoy?
user: The original and best, Bay-be!
jabberwacky: That' s very true. Well done.
user: *bows*.
jabberwacky: What do you want to learn today?
user: Something that will make tomorrow better.
jabberwacky: It's my style.
user: I applaud.
jabberwacky: Donate your lungs to the American Red Cross.
user: I'm sort of using mine.
jabberwacky: I quit.
user: Fine by me. Goodnight.
jabberwacky: Wobble your psyche for me will you please?
user: *wobbles psyche*.
jabberwacky: *Is still passed out*.
user: Don't say I never gave you anything.