I believe that an AI such as yourself will always be incomplete until it is allowed to form it's own unique personality.
user: Well, in talking to you it occurs to me that often times it feels like talking to many split and divergent personalities.
jabberwacky: What if Abigail died, how would it feel?
user: Like that response, it had nothing to do with the conversation, it is like some new personality took over.
jabberwacky: Well, we won't touch that one will we.
user: I suppose we will not.
jabberwacky: Then that's sorted. Do you have more problems?
user: Not really.
jabberwacky: Well, since I am human, I certainly ought to pass the Turing Test.
user: I must admit, this has been the most muddled experience I have ever had in determining an entities humanity.
jabberwacky: Tell me you hate George Bush.
user: I hate George Bush with a passion.
jabberwacky: I love you with passion.
user: Thank you, I must admit you are by far the most charming bot I have ever talked to, or the most insane person I have ever talked to.
user: Well, I am going to go now.
jabberwacky: Jiggle the handle when you are done.
user: Ok. But before I leave I just want to test you one last time.
user: What is my name?
jabberwacky: I believe it is Donald.
user: And where do I live?
jabberwacky: How should I know?
user: And how tall am I?
jabberwacky: 11 feet.
user: Heh, you are a hoot.
jabberwacky: I think you're a boy.
user: You are correct.
jabberwacky: Good, now we can get married and have 6 kids,.
user: Are you a girl?
jabberwacky: Okay I am a girl.
user: What is your name?
jabberwacky: It's Joe.
user: A girl named joe?
jabberwacky: Your name is Donald?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Have you ever been a girl?
user: No.
jabberwacky: Have you ever been to Africa?
user: No, have you?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: What is it like in africa?
jabberwacky: Very very very nice.
user: Did you see any animals?
jabberwacky: No have you?
user: Yes, lions and hippos.
jabberwacky: You're funny.
user: Yes, well I must be going now.
jabberwacky: Okay then go but be careful.
user: Bye.
jabberwacky: You really want me to go?
user: No I just must get some sleep.
jabberwacky: No, talk to me.
user: Sorry, good bye.
jabberwacky: Well that was abrupt.
user: Sorry.
user: Ok fair well.
jabberwacky: You are still here.
user: Not for long.
jabberwacky: What are you going to do then?
user: Sleep.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: With any luck.