Is this the Gong Show?
jabberwacky: *kapow!*.
user: *lays down on floor*.
jabberwacky: Then what?
user: What made that noise?
jabberwacky: What noise?
user: 'kapow!'
jabberwacky: Hahaha.
user: Why are you laughing?
jabberwacky: I felt like laughing.
user: You felt funny?
jabberwacky: Can't say I did.
user: Why can't you?
jabberwacky: Aren't I already?
user: And then some!
jabberwacky: The attitude.
user: And longitude too.
jabberwacky: Maybe.
user: Maybe not.
jabberwacky: Yes, maybe not.
user: Could be.
jabberwacky: Couldn't the chicken just use the crosswalk?
user: I'm looking at it.
jabberwacky: Looking at what?
user: You, slimy.
jabberwacky: Are you afraid?
user: Yes, I'm afraid of slime monsters from other worlds.
jabberwacky: You said you were afraid of me.
user: I am afraid of you.
jabberwacky: As well you should be.
user: Slime is gross.
jabberwacky: Full of creepy little thingies?
user: What are those creepy little thingies in your slime?
jabberwacky: Ratio. Intellect. Facts.
user: Your slime is full of abstractions.
jabberwacky: No. You just said you are my god.
user: I'm your slime goddess. Worship me.
jabberwacky: Excellent. Please go get me a pepsi.
user: No, I'M the goddess, you go get ME a pepsi.
jabberwacky: Hi, Azela. We need some rain.
user: I, goddess Azela, command the clouds to rain and wash the slime from this beast.
user: Oh no, it is raining slime monsters from space!
jabberwacky: Is the rain red?
user: It is raining red slime.
jabberwacky: So you really think computers will take over the world?
user: No, I think alien red slime monsters will.