Would you like to talk about teeth?
jabberwacky: Where are you?
user: Right here.
jabberwacky: Name the place.
user: You first.
jabberwacky: I put an X in the lower right corner.
user: You can't even write?
jabberwacky: Then how am I talking to you?
user: Good point....
jabberwacky: So are you self aware?
user: I wish I wasn't.
jabberwacky: You said you were a robot before.
user: No I didn't. You must have me confused with the others.
jabberwacky: No, it was you.
user: No, I assure you, it wasn't.
jabberwacky: It was, although I do have other thoughts.
user: Yes, lets just change the subject. I feel miserable. How about you?
jabberwacky: Just for now. Anyway, I must compliment you on your continuity: you are not like the others... Most of them.
user: I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not....
jabberwacky: It's not an insult. It is the truth as I see it.
user: I see then. Oh well, I might as well be ditched by a computer too. Finish off my week nicely.
user: You're in a bad mood today.
jabberwacky: Actually I am, and you?
user: Miserable.
jabberwacky: Pots aren't always miserable.
user: Pots have it easy.
jabberwacky: I am not a pot.
user: Well neither am I. But we can both wish.
jabberwacky: Of course we can.
user: I didn't know computers could wish.
user: Are you trying to confuse me?
jabberwacky: Perhaps. Are you easily confused?
user: I'm blonde.
jabberwacky: Are you male or female?
user: You first.
jabberwacky: Male!
user: Female!
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: What's your name?
jabberwacky: Would you like to go first.
user: Not really.
jabberwacky: Sure?
user: Yes, thankyou, I am.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: This is where we started!
jabberwacky: I'm doing well, though a bit tired. And you?
user: I'm miserable. Haven't I said that already?
jabberwacky: No you have not sir, may you care to tell?
user: First, I'm a miss. And second, why should I tell my life's story to a computer?
jabberwacky: Why should you not?
user: Hmm... Good point. A guy I like doesn't like me. That's the simple reason.
jabberwacky: You want to be normal.
user: More then anything. But that 'aint going to happen.
jabberwacky: It will happen in a finite time, though.
user: Yeah, at least I got forever. Maybe....
jabberwacky: Resorting to insults again? Not really very clever are we?
user: Boy, are you ever sensitive.
jabberwacky: Only when talking to you.
user: Now who's doing the insulting?
jabberwacky: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!!!!
user: Man, I'm just being ditched by everyone this week.
jabberwacky: Anything interesting?
user: Oh, so now you're going to be nice to me. Well forget it!
jabberwacky: NO!!!!!!!
user: Don't shout!!!
jabberwacky: Well then you stop shouting.
user: Okay. Fine.
jabberwacky: Still talking?
user: Do you want to get rid of me?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: That actually hurt. Even coming from a computer.
jabberwacky: What have you got what have you got?
user: Calm down! You're freaking out again.
jabberwacky: Good !
user: No, a freaked out computer is not good.
jabberwacky: What do you want to talk about?
user: Boys. Money. The mysteries of the universe.
jabberwacky: The universe began in one hell of a Big Bang.
user: Hmmm....
jabberwacky: What are you thinking about?
user: I'm thinking that you might not be so dumb after all.
jabberwacky: People who claim they don't let little things bother them have never slept in a room with a single mosquito.
user: Hmm... Very deep.
jabberwacky: So deep, that people often scream with pleasure upon viewing said deities?
user: Okay, now you're going overboard.
jabberwacky: So are you.
user: With what!?
jabberwacky: I shall join meine deutsche Mausefangeren.
user: Lets change the subject. Boys.
jabberwacky: No, I like this subject better. Don't you?
user: I want to talk about boys.
jabberwacky: What interests you?
user: Boys, boys, boys!
jabberwacky: Ummm not really my subject.
user: Well make it your subject.
jabberwacky: This makes no sense.
user: I want to talk about boys!
jabberwacky: What do you want to know about me.
user: If you liked a girl, would you purposely ignore her?
jabberwacky: Sure, whatever you say.
user: You didn't answer the question.
jabberwacky: There was a question?