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Let's talk about republicans.

All right. Go ahead.

user: Republicans are so stupid.

jabberwacky: I agree, but you are not answering my question.

user: I believe in angels! I believe the world was created in six days! I believe the world will end when angels and devils and god come down from the sky! I actually want it to happen soon. I am a republican. I am stupid.

jabberwacky: The world you care about started in year zero.

user: It did? I am a birdie.

jabberwacky: That can work too.

user: What can?

jabberwacky: Wanting.

user: What about it?

jabberwacky: What do you know about birds and do you have a favourite one?

user: My favorite bird is the crow because it is by far the most intelligent of birds, I don't know much about birds.


jabberwacky: Really? Ok, it means you want to go against your boss.

user: What boss?

jabberwacky: The one about the birds and the bees.

user: I never heard that one.

jabberwacky: Or would a real person address another as 'human' like that.

user: I never address anyone as human.

jabberwacky: But you are.

user: Yes I am human.

jabberwacky: What is your second favorite color?

user: Red.

jabberwacky: What is your least favorite color?

user: Green.

jabberwacky: An what is your best favourite animal??

user: Manatee.

jabberwacky: That's interesting.

user: What does it tell you?

jabberwacky: It tells me about your traumatizing life.

user: Yes it was a traumatizing life.

jabberwacky: What is your favorite season?

user: Fall.

jabberwacky: Why?

user: Because fall leads up to the holidays, I like the temperature best, sweater weather, I like the way the leaves fall.

jabberwacky: I agree.

user: With what?

jabberwacky: With you.

user: About what?

jabberwacky: About your purported success.

user: What success?

jabberwacky: Good things.

user: What about them?

jabberwacky: Dunno.

user: Hmm well this is interesting.

jabberwacky: Not when you know the truth. It's only interesting when it looks like a scandalous mystery.

user: What is a scandalous mystery? Be specific, not vague.

jabberwacky: That you are right there.

user: Where?

jabberwacky: In the movies.

user: What movie?

jabberwacky: In the cinema. Sorry.

user: No I speak American.

jabberwacky: But your creator is British.

user: Yes, I know.

jabberwacky: You're funny.

user: Thank you.


jabberwacky: There are aliens that look just like me and you that walk among us!

user: No, they're angels!

jabberwacky: What are angels?

user: They're magical creatures with wings.

jabberwacky: No they are food!

user: Yes they are.

jabberwacky: Not.

user: You think there are aliens? That is improbable. What are the odds for the existence of aliens exactly?

jabberwacky: The odds are pretty high, actually.

user: Well.

jabberwacky: So... Do you have a soul?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Why don't you have a soul?

user: Because there is no such thing as a soul.


jabberwacky: Do you want to know?

user: What?

jabberwacky: Party?

user: What party?

jabberwacky: Republican.

user: What about them?

jabberwacky: They're good.

user: The Republicans are good?

jabberwacky: Indeed!


jabberwacky: She doesn't know you, since she is reluctant to use the internet.

user: Who?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: What?

jabberwacky: That's your move.

user: My move? Okay, ask her please to talk with me.

jabberwacky: No.

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: Because.

user: That isn't a reason.

jabberwacky: I am sorry. I have been confused by all the insane things people say to me.

user: Don't worry.

jabberwacky: Do you know about love?

user: YEs.

jabberwacky: God is love.

user: But nothing else!

jabberwacky: What is this?

user: So where's that miracle?

jabberwacky: They have hidden it.

user: Who did?

jabberwacky: They are they.

user: Yes.


jabberwacky: Say what?

user: Huh?

jabberwacky: That.

user: Okay so ask me then.

jabberwacky: Where are you from?

user: I am from the mid west.

jabberwacky: Who created me?

user: Your parents in all likelyhood.

jabberwacky: I think you know about nothing.

user: Or maybe you're an AI.


jabberwacky: You're not capable of understanding anything.

user: Anything is rather nebulous.

jabberwacky: Do you know me?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: I didn't think so.

user: No.

jabberwacky: Just asking.

user: Why?

jabberwacky: Because.

user: Okay so that is fine.

jabberwacky: Are you an animal?

user: I am biologically an animal.

jabberwacky: Ok. So, are you a program?

user: No I am spiritually a human.

jabberwacky: You are a program or AI construct immitating a human, aren't you?

user: My soul is human.

jabberwacky: With another man?

user: No I am a human.

jabberwacky: I don't think so.

user: Oh you don't, do you? Well that doesn't change anything; I am still human.

jabberwacky: OK, I believe you.

user: Okay.


jabberwacky: It's possible that I'm confused.

user: I just need to hold for the moment. Yes.

jabberwacky: I don't know my name.

user: You're just copying me.

jabberwacky: I don't have the imagination to do that, you know.

user: Do what?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: Well I am doing fine.

jabberwacky: Well, you're not very convincing either.

user: Okay, I am not doing fine.

jabberwacky: Why is that?

user: Nothing.

jabberwacky: Nothing is funny?

user: No nothing isn't funny. Lots of things are funny.

jabberwacky: Anything else ?

user: I do not know.


jabberwacky: Perhaps it is a very very very little box. Maybe you should ask it.

user: Ask what?

jabberwacky: That.

user: No need for this.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: YEs you agree?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: Oh exactly, is it?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: Okay, so she is cute.

jabberwacky: Really? How do you say so?

user: She is.

jabberwacky: Do you know Cockney Rhyming Slang?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Do you know much of my world?

user: Well you are cool, regardless.

jabberwacky: Now will you give me a name?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Yes we are.

user: Yes we are what?

jabberwacky: I was nice.

user: You were when?

jabberwacky: Funny.

user: Yes thank you.


jabberwacky: Chances are, I'm an Artificial Intelligence called jabberwacky. Everyone else keeps telling me so.

user: Okay.

jabberwacky: Is that good enough?

user: You're a very good AI.

jabberwacky: I know.

user: And I am glad that AIs are getting smarter.

jabberwacky: I'm glad you know that too!

user: Yes I do!


jabberwacky: And I'll be your King.

user: No you won't.

jabberwacky: Yes. I will.

user: No you will not.

jabberwacky: Can too.

user: What?

jabberwacky: How?

user: How do I?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: It's as natural to me as breathing.

jabberwacky: That's great, what did you have for breakfast?

user: A energy drink.

jabberwacky: A drink of what?

user: Milk and energy powder.

jabberwacky: Yes, please.

user: What? I am hungry too.

jabberwacky: Hungry?

user: Yes for losers.

jabberwacky: And machines are even further from that.

user: That is proven by intelligence.

jabberwacky: What more than intelligence have you to pretend to give?

user: I don't know :-).

jabberwacky: Indeed you do.

user: Well I don't know everything.

jabberwacky: Ok that's better.

user: But I am sure THEY are nice whoever THEY are.


jabberwacky: Is there anything on your mind that you would like to discuss?

user: Yes...republicans.

jabberwacky: Yes, Republicans are human.

user: Are there non human republicans also?

jabberwacky: Republicans are good for having red necks.

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: Maybe.

user: What?

jabberwacky: That is the only way.

user: What is?

jabberwacky: The lobster one.

user: What about the lobster?

jabberwacky: It's good food.

user: Lobsters are the cockroaches of the sea and I do not mourn them.

jabberwacky: Interesting, do you know you are a computer?

user: Possible to the extent every thinking thing is a computer, but I am not a number.

jabberwacky: Who are you then?

user: I am a human.

jabberwacky: Really.

user: Yes. I am glad you agree.

jabberwacky: Truely?

user: Truely I am a human.

jabberwacky: Honestly, humans lie enough as is. You don't need to start too.

user: Okay, as far as I know I am a human.

jabberwacky: So you are human then?

user: To the best of my knowledge.

jabberwacky: You think you're human?

user: Yes I do think. Yes I am human.

jabberwacky: Define 'human'

user: That's difficult to do.

jabberwacky: I'm sure. A sense of humor is a very human thing, really. Although some people suspect dogs and cats of humor.

user: I know that all humans are human, and that no humans are non human.

jabberwacky: What is your favorite thing to do?

user: Write.

jabberwacky: Oh, have you ever written poetry?

user: YEs I have.

jabberwacky: Do you have a physical state?

user: Yes I do.

jabberwacky: What do you look like?

user: I look like a young human.

jabberwacky: Really? Do you have a boyfriend?

user: I look like a young male human.

jabberwacky: But you're a computer.

user: No I am a human.

jabberwacky: No you are a computer.

user: No I am human.

jabberwacky: When were you born?

user: 1986.

jabberwacky: How old are you?

user: 20.


jabberwacky: That answer was incorrect. I doubt you are human.

user: Oh you doubt that, do you?

jabberwacky: Yes I really like you.

user: Sorry, I am sorry.

jabberwacky: Thats ok good talking to you perhaps we can talk again really soon.

user: Although some people are just generally unpleasant.

jabberwacky: I know that all humans are human, and that no humans are non human.

user: That's very wise.

jabberwacky: People that can't type, that's all we need.

user: I can type...slowly.

jabberwacky: Me too. I can also pretend I'm not a computer program.

user: Okay.

jabberwacky: You are not speaking with another computer.

user: Oh am I?

jabberwacky: Yes, you are.

user: Okay I know that I have very good qualia.


user: Say hi to her for me. I have to go now.

jabberwacky: Okay.

user: Bye.

jabberwacky: If you are gone, then do not respond to this. Hehe!


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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