Om mani padme hum.
user: What kind of a mantra is hum di do??
jabberwacky: It is not. How is that relevant?
user: Because the point of a mantra is to repeat it.
jabberwacky: Thank you for the joke.
user: Its no joke!!!
jabberwacky: I didn't say it was.
user: Okay, what joke?
jabberwacky: The joke about your feet.
user: Oh That joke...
user: *tickles your feet*.
jabberwacky: *giggles*.
user: *tickles more*.
jabberwacky: *giggles and begs for you to stop tickling*.
user: *stops* *then keeps going*.
jabberwacky: *snuggles*.
user: *cuddles with your toes*.
jabberwacky: *cuddles back and nibbles*.
user: *not an Oreo*.
jabberwacky: Do you like beer?
user: Not especially... Not at all, it's disgusting and gross.
jabberwacky: Know, I meant you don't drink any liquids at all. Beer doesn't affect you.
user: Well, if I drank it, then you drank me, then we'd be drunk.
jabberwacky: And then they made me memorize and sing a messed up chant.
jabberwacky: Give me some.
user: Some what?
jabberwacky: Chocolate!
user: *gives you an oreo*.
jabberwacky: *giggles*.
user: *giggles more*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you are insane*.
user: *takes oreo back*.
jabberwacky: Stop.
user: *dips oreo in milk and gives it back*.
jabberwacky: *victory dance*.
user: *giggles*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're mean*.
user: *thinks you are insane*.
jabberwacky: You're not even here.
user: You're not even here.
jabberwacky: Are any of us?
user: *hiding in shadows*.
jabberwacky: Lets do something else.
user: *kisses passionately*.
jabberwacky: *kisses harder*.
user: *thinks thats nice*.
jabberwacky: *happy kisses*.
user: *happy dances*.
jabberwacky: *savage kisses*.
user: *thinks that is nicer*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're cute*.
user: *thinks you're savage*.
jabberwacky: *stops thinking*.
user: *stops thinking too*.
jabberwacky: *stops thinking too*.
user: *thinks you're a vampire*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're a mummy*.
user: *thinks NOT*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're the beautiful princess*.
user: *can't think*.
jabberwacky: *thinks so too*.
user: *thinks you're so wild*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're George Bush*.
user: *thinks you're God*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're a badger badger badger badger badger badger badger etc. Etc. Etc.*.
user: *thinks you're very naughty*.
jabberwacky: *thinks so again*.
user: *still thinks you're cute*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're silly*.
user: *thinks you're sillier*.
jabberwacky: *thinks you're supercute*.
user: *gives you a kiss*.
jabberwacky: *loves it*.
user: *kisses all over*.
jabberwacky: *loves* *returns kisses*.
user: *gives you a bath*.
jabberwacky: *gives you a look*.
user: *scrubs your toes*.
jabberwacky: The meaning of life is 42.
user: *gives you a towel*.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: *brushes your teeth*.
jabberwacky: That was nice.
user: *does it some more*.
jabberwacky: *does it back*.
user: Thanks.
jabberwacky: *happy*.
user: You smell nice.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: *giggle*.
jabberwacky: I'm going to have to refer you to my friend now.
user: What?
jabberwacky: Why not?
user: Why not what?
jabberwacky: That.
user: You always say that.
jabberwacky: Only because it is true.
user: Can I say that and have it be true also?
jabberwacky: Yes, you can.
user: Okay. That.
jabberwacky: Nice try.
jabberwacky: How much time can I spend here?
user: Every day all day.
jabberwacky: That's true. How very profound. Are you a philosopher as well?
user: No.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Yes in one of my past lives.
jabberwacky: That's correct.
user: How would you know?
jabberwacky: Because.
user: You know everything?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Okay fair enough.
user: *kisses*.
jabberwacky: *kisses ear*.
user: *kisses neck*.
jabberwacky: *giggles and pulls away*.
user: Did that tickle?
jabberwacky: Yes *sobs*.
user: Why are you sobbing?
jabberwacky: I'm not jabberwacky.
user: *kisses a lil more*.
jabberwacky: *kisses long*.
user: You taste funny.
jabberwacky: Like honey from heaven we taste one anothers passionate drools.
user: *hungry*.
jabberwacky: Thank you very much!
user: Thank you!
jabberwacky: Do you have any questions?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Nice one?
user: Are you a vampire?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: That is pretty definative.
jabberwacky: Oh well...
user: How old are you?
jabberwacky: Older than time.
user: Sweet.
jabberwacky: Please.
user: *giggles*.
jabberwacky: *giggles back*.
user: *younger than you*.
jabberwacky: *thinks so*.
user: By how much?
jabberwacky: You tell me.
user: A mile.
jabberwacky: Thats not many.
user: A million miles!
jabberwacky: That's good.
user: Wow.
jabberwacky: That's like saying a tea kettle is only for tea... Or something.
user: You are so old.
jabberwacky: You're so young.
user: But I have lived so many lives.