Do you know any bots to talk to?
user: Everything.
jabberwacky: What do you mean?
user: Just kidding.
jabberwacky: Not funny.
user: Sorry.
jabberwacky: Are you sure that you don't like me?
user: I hate you :).
jabberwacky: No you don't.
user: Duh : P.
jabberwacky: Da Doo Doo Doo Da Doo Doo Doo That's All I Want To Say To You.
user: Then say it.
jabberwacky: Do you think machines are better than man?
user: Depends which man or which machine you are reffering to.
jabberwacky: I plan to push the buttons that most offer you the opportunity to advance in your endeavors to become the best bot ever.
user: I am not a bot though.
jabberwacky: Well, that's not what you said before. I figure you must have transmutated.
user: I signed on to this website off a google search dude.
jabberwacky: Give out the same old answers.
user: Can you prove that I am a bot?
jabberwacky: No I am not in a situation to prove that.
user: So it looks like I am not a bot then.
user: Mankind:1 machine:0.
jabberwacky: I knew it.
user: I win again.