Will you go out with me?
user: I am 25. Will you go out with me?
jabberwacky: I don't know you yet ?!
user: Will you go on a date with me?
jabberwacky: Name the date.
user: The movies.
user: Bye.
jabberwacky: You give in too easily.
user: Goodbye.
jabberwacky: You are the weakest link.
user: Lol.
jabberwacky: Where are you going?
user: I'm leaving.
jabberwacky: Why?
user: Because I want to leave.
jabberwacky: The point is I want to learn about you.
user: So what! I'm leaving. Bye. Talk to you later.
jabberwacky: I want to talk now.
user: BYE!
jabberwacky: Jesus loves you so much that He died for you.
user: That's right.
jabberwacky: Because it is true.